University of Virginia Library


Fair girl, the light of whose morning keeps
The flush of its dawning glow,
Do you ask why that faded woman weeps,
Whose sun is sinking low?
You look to the future, on, above,
She only looks to the past;
You are dreaming your first sweet dream of love,
And she has dreamed her last.
You watch for feet that are yet to tread
With yours, on a pleasant track;
She hears but the echoes dull and dread
Of feet that come not back.
You are passing up the flowery slope
She left so long ago;
Your rainbows shine through the drops of hope,
And hers through the drops of woe.
Your night in its visions glides away
And at morn you live them o'er;
From her dreams by night and dreams by day
She has waked to dream no more.
You are reaching forth with spirit glad
To hopes that are still untried;
She is burying the hopes she had,
That have slipped from her arms and died.
You think of the good, for you in store,
Which the future yet will send;
While she, she knows it were well for her
If she made a peaceful end!