University of Virginia Library


The Dainty Miss Rose

Oh, a perfect nose,
And dainty toes,
And woolen hose,
Had Miss Rose!
A dog was she of high degree,
Born of an ancient family.
From her mother's side
Came her Spanish pride;
She had royal ways,
And her pedigree reckoned
From the glorious days
Of Charles the Second!
Well, she needed an escort
To a party of some sort,
One evening in May.
And to see her bother
'Twixt one dog and t'other,
Was as good as a play.


Many pups came to say
They would be at her service,
But she sent them away
With a manner quite nervous.
In fact, I must own,
Of dogs fully grown,
She snubbed them by name
As fast as they came:
Sir Rover was coarse,
And Ponto was cruel;
Old Bounce was a horse,
Young Pip lived on gruel;
Spitz was a sneak,
Fido was surly;
Pomp was too sleek,
Carlo too curly;
Then came a brave wight
For a desperate pull;
He had been in a fight,
Old Major de Bull.
He was cross as a bear,
And scanty of hair.
Also young Isle of Skye,
Rather down at the heel;
And the well-mannered Guy,
Who was sour, but genteel.


But dainty Miss Rose
Still tossed up her nose—
She couldn't, she couldn't,
She wouldn't, she shouldn't
With one of them go,
She'd thank 'em to know.
By this time it was growing late,
And dainty Rose bemoaned her fate;
When, in the sky, there sprang in sight
A throbbing, sparkling thing of light.
“What's that,” she cried, “I see afar?”
And Guy replied, “The great Dog Star—
“Too Sirius, dear, for such as you,
And very much above you, too.”
“Not so, indeed!” cried dainty Rose,
No longer turning up her nose.
“Now, I am matched at last, you see,
The Dog Star shall my escort be!”
Then off she started, quite content,
And gallantly the Dog Star went.
For all the way he kept in sight,
And held her in his tender light,
Guiding her steps with steady rays,
And blinking when he met her gaze.