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Lead me, O my guardian angel,
So I pray, and ever pray,
Where the light winds sing their lightest,
Where the bright things bloom their brightest,
And the flowery fields of May
Stretch away, and still away!
Lead and leave me, O my angel,
Where the wild birds, day by day,
Chirp and sing their light love-stories,
All among the golden glories
Of the flowery fields of May,
Stretched away, and still away!
Where the rose doth wear her blushes
Like a garment, and the fair
And modest violets sit together,
Weaving in the mild May weather
Purples, out of dew and air,
Fit for any queen to wear.
But, my angel, my good angel,
This much more I have to say—
O'er the blooming and the singing,
O'er the weaving and the winging,
Grant to live with me, I pray,
In these flowery fields of May;
Friends to love with love that only
Lives of men and women sway—


Over and above the hushes
Of all birds, above the blushes
Of the reddest rose in May—
And yet once again I pray,
That when thou shalt give them to me,
Alway, heart in heart to beat,
They shall make all flowery places
Fairer for their smiling faces,
And whatever things are sweet—
Brighter, better, more complete.
Not for time and sense, O angel,
Dare I thus entreat of thee
Into flowery fields to take me—
'T is the things I see that make me
For the things I cannot see—
For the long eternity.