University of Virginia Library

3. Board.

There are two large boarding houses within the precints of the University,
at which the cost of board, including diet, furniture of room,
and attendance, is $18 per month. Besides these, there are several
licensed boarding houses in the immediate vicinity, at which the charges
are from $15 to $18 per month.

There are also two boarding clubs within the precincts of the University
instituted by the Faculty, and under the control of the Chairman. The
affairs of the club are administered by a superintendent appointed by
the Chairman. The accounts of the superintendent are audited monthly
by a committee, consisting of the President and two other members
of the club, before being presented to the proctor for payment. The
expense of board to each member of the club is a deposit of $5 with the
proctor for outfit of club-halls, and a monthly charge of $12 for diet, fire,


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and servant's attendance in dining halls. Furniture and attendance for
lodging rooms cost about $1.50 a month.

Board, at $12 a month in the Club, including diet and servants'
attendance, in Dining Halls, for nine months,
$108 00 
Matriculation, etc.,  97 00 
$205 00 
Board, at $15 a month, in licensed boarding-house, including
furniture and attendance, for nine months,
$135 00 
Matriculation, etc.,  97 00 
$232 00 
Board, at $18 a month, in boarding-house within the precincts,
including furniture and attendance, for nine months,
$162 00 
Matriculation, etc.,  97 00 
$259 00