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Sr Edwin Sandys Knt Treasuror. 
Sr Thomas Roe.  mr Reignoldℯ.  mr Caswell. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Keightley.  mr Cranmer. 
Sr Henry Rainsford.  mr Sam: Wrote.  mr Bull. 
Sr Tho Gates.  mr Aug: Steward.  mr Eyres. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Bamforde.  mr Couell. 
Sr Harry Iones.  mr Hen: Briggs.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Swinhowe.  mr Ely: Robertℯ. 
mr Deputy.  mr Caninge.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Tomlynℯ.  mr Wiseman.  Wth others. 
Capt Bargraue.  mr Bearblock. 

Vppon the desire of Capt Brewster his buisines was once more deferrd
to the next Preparative Courte wch is agreed then to be heard betwixt
him and Capt Argoll, and to that end have given order that the said
Capt Argoll be acquainted therwith and required then to attend.

Capt Brewsters
buisines Deferrd.

Five Shares formerly given by Sr Thomas Roe knt to Peter Arundell
wch were Confirmed vnto him in a Courte held the first of October
i6i7 The said Peter Arundell in Considerac̃on of a Certaine some of


monney paid vnto him by the said Sr Tho: Roe hath ressigned the
said ffive Shares vnto the said Sr Thomas Roe, wch the Auditors have-
inge allowed were by this Courte Confirmed.
5 Shares ressigned
by Peter Arundell
to Sr Tho: Roe

Mr Treasuror acquainted the Courte that hee had receaved Letters from
Virginia importinge the wellfare of the Plantac̃on although they have
been much distempord by reason of an intemporate heate not onely
hapninge vnto them but chiefly amongst the Indians requestinge that
the Company would send them some Phisitians and Appothycaries of
wch they stand much need off: relatinge allso to ye great Comforte of
the Compa: and incouragmt of those wch shall send the plenty of Corne
that God this yeare hath blest them with the like never happened
since the English was there planted haveing had two harvestℯ, the
first beinge shaken with the winde p̳duced a second, and the ground
beinge so extraordinary ffatt & good yt sowinge Indian Corne vppon
that stuble they had likewise a great Cropp therof.[185] [79]

Mr Thr̃r acquaint-
ed the Courte of
L̃res receiued frõ

Signifyinge allso that one Capt Spillman who thought to deprave ye
Gou9nor of his Authoritie by his instigac̃on to Opochankino, of a great
man yt should com and putt him out of his place, The said Gouernor
and Councell of State have p̳ceeded in due tryall of him butt beinge
mercifull in sparinge his life have degraded him from his Capt: Ship
and made him a serṽnnt to the Collony for Seaven years in quallytie
of an Interpriter.

Capt Spillman
made a seruant to
ye Collony.

Other matter theris to acquainte them wth wch when hee hath read
the rest of the letters hee will the next Courte reporte vnto them.

The Letter the last Quarter Courte signed by the Lords directed to the
Lord Maior of London tooke such effect as mr Thr̃er sayeth the Cittie
yeilded to itt:

The Citty yeilded
to ye L̃re:

Wheras the last Court a speciall Comittee was appoynted for ye man-
naginge of the 500li given by an vnknowne p̱son for educatinge the
Infidles Children Mr Thr̃er: signified that they have mett, and taken
into considerac̃on the proposic̃on of Sr Iohn Wolstenholme, that Iohn


Peirce and his Associates might have the trayninge and bringinge vpp
of some of those Children butt the said Comittee for divers reasons
thinks itt inconvenyent, first because they intend not to goe this 2 or
:3: monneths and then after there arryvall[189] wilbe longe in settlinge
themselves, as allso that the Indians are not acquainted wth them, and
so they may stay 4 or 5 years before they have account that any good
is donne.
mr Thr̃eℯ: reporte
of ye 500li giuen for
educatinge ye In-
fidles Children.

And for to putt itt into the hands of pryvate men to bringe them vpp
att xli a Childe as was by some proposed they hould itt not soe fitt by
reason of the causualty vnto Wch itt is subiect.

Butt forasmuch as divers hundreds and p̱ticularr Plantac̃ons are all-
redie there settled and the Indians well acquainted wth them, as
namely, Smithℯ Hundred, Martinℯ Hundred, Bartlettℯ Hundred & the
like that therfore they receave and take charge of them by wch course
they shalbe sure to be well nurtured and have their due so long as these
Plantac̃ons shall hould, and for such of the Children as they find
Capable of Learninge shall be putt in the Colledge and brought vpp
to be schollers, and such as are not shall be putt to trades, and be
brought vp in the feare of God & Christian religion, And beinge
demaunded how and by what lawfull means they would procure them
and after keep them that they runn not to theire parents or frends,
and their said Parrents or frends steale them not away wch naturall
affecc̃on may inforce in the one and the other, itt was answered and
well allowed that a treaty and an agreement be made wch the Kinge
of that Country concerninge them wch if itt soe fall out att any time as
is exprest they may by his Commaund be returned. [80] Whervppon
Sr Thomas Roe promised that Bartley Hundred should take two or
three for Wch theire well bringinge vpp hee and mr Smith p̳mised to
be respondents to the Company, and because every Hundred may the
better consider hereof they were lycensed till Sunday in the after-
noone, att wch time they sitt att mr Treasurors, to bringe in their
answere how manny each will have and bringe those that wilbe respond-
ent for them, & those that others will not take, Mr Treasuror in the
behalfe of Smithℯ hundred hath promised to take into their charge.


The Proposic̃ons wch were by sundry of the Adventurers allowed of
att a meetinge of them att Sr Thomas Smiths house the 14th of Feb-
ruary aboute takinge off the Tobacco att a price beinge now putt to
ye question was confirmed, Comendinge itt to mr Caswell to procure
others ∥to write∥ for ye rest.

The proposic̃ons
for takinge the
Tobacco att a prize

And fallinge into dispute aboute the Debtℯ what course should be
taken for gettinge them in, Mr Thrr̃er made knowne that of necessitie
there must be Officers Chosen for the mannaginge and lookinge to the
buisines first for the callinge in of the Debtℯ by sendinge their ticketts
vnto them to bringe in their monny, and vppon refusall to putt them
in sute 2: to authorize their warrants for payinge of debts, :3: to dis-
pose of their Affaires in Virginia, 4: and lastly in lookinge to the
Accompts & p̱fectinge them, for the last itt was thought good by some
yt mr Essington should be entreated to p̳ceed wth them, and for the
mannaginge of the rest vppon nominac̃on ther was made choyce of,
mr Bull, mr Cranmer and mr Caswell, and beinge putt to the question
was ratefyed by erecc̃on of hands.

Officers for man-
aginge & lookinge
to ye buisines.

Three Comissionℯ beinge presented to the Courte was allowed to be
sealled one to William Shawe mr of the London Marchant the other
to Capt Iones mr of the Faulcon, and the third to mr Edmondℯ mr of
the Tryall to sett saile wth the first fayre winde for Virginia.

3 Comissions

Captaine Bargraues Comission for the determyninge some Controu9sies
betweene him and Capt: Iohn Martin in Virginia beinge now pre-
sented the Court therof allowed & agreed that the seale should be
therevnto affixed.

Capt Bargraues
Comission to be

Mr Markham beinge formerly requyred for the bringinge in the resy-
due of the bookℯ and Rowles remayninge in his Custodie, presented
now to the boorde 4 books, and 4 Rowles of subscripc̃ons wch were
Comended to the Care of mr Deputy desyringe the Courte to take into
Considerac̃on, that for his extraordinary paines hee might have sattis-
facc̃on, wch pointe beinge long disputed betwixt mr Thr̃er and him,
itt was att length referred to the Auditors to consider thereof. [81]

Mr Markham pre-
sented 4 books and
4 Rolls.


A series of letters, written between January 13 and 21, and received about this time, are mentioned
in List of Records, Nos. 156–159, page 138, ante.


"Arryvall" is written over "arryvinge" by the reviewer.