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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Whereas the Congress of the United States, by virtue of the


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constituted authority vested in them, have declared by their
act bearing date the 18th day of the present month that war
exists between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
and the dependencies thereof and the United States of
America and their Territories:

Now, therefore, I, James Madison, President of the United
States of America, do hereby proclaim the same to all whom
it may concern; and I do specially enjoin on all persons holding
offices, civil or military, under the authority of the United
States that they be vigilant and zealous in discharging the
duties respectively incident thereto; and I do moreover exhort
all the good people of the United States, as they love their
country, as they value the precious heritage derived from the
virtue and valor of their fathers, as they feel the wrongs which
have forced on them the last resort of injured nations,
and as they consult the best means under the blessing of Divine
Providence of abridging its calamities, that they exert
themselves in preserving order, in promoting concord, in maintaining
the authority and efficacy of the laws, and in supporting
and invigorating all the measures which may be adopted
by the constituted authorities for obtaining a speedy, a just,
and an honorable peace.

In testimony, etc.

Done etc. the 19th day of June, 1812, etc.