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The Visitors Meet

When the spring meeting of the Board of Visitors rolled around, the board spent its time
discussing the pending loan from the Literary Fund, and the only action it took regarding
construction of the buildings was to vote to apply the monies from the loan to the debts
owed the workmen, and to direct any balance "towards the erection of buildings of
accommodation on the eastern back street."[388] On the day of the visitors' session at the
university, Robert McCullock, who with his brother James operated one of more than three
dozen sawmills in Albemarle County's Fredericksville Parish, delivered 3,286 feet of lumber
to James Oldham (receiving $57.56 for his compensation), indicating at least some small
life at the site.[389] After the members separated, Jefferson directed the proctor to make an
estimate "of the whole expence of compleating such buildings, distinguishing the expence of
each," to be enclosed later in the fall report to the president and directors of the Literary
Fund. Brockenbrough estimated that $10,000 was needed immediately to pay the
institution's debts and another $18,000 was needed to complete the 7 pavilions and 31
dormitories in progress. To "compleat the Area," meaning the upper square, or lawn, the
final 3 pavilions would require $18,000 and the 24 dormitories, $9,600. For the "East back
street," to be commenced in the current year, Brockenbrough estimated 3 hotels could be
built for $9,000 and 25 dormitories for an additional $10,000. That meant $74,600 was
wanting to bring the accounts to date and to carry on the work projected for 1820. All that
would remain after that was "2. Hotels & Proctor's house & 25. dormits. compleatg. W. back
street" that were expected to be started in 1821 at a projected cost of $19,000.[390] The
$93,600 total, not far off from the bursar's February estimate, would "accomplish the
buildings of the whole establishment (the Library excepted)" by the end of 1821.[391]


388. Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, 3 April 1820,
PPAmP:UVA Minutes.


389. Oldham to Brockenbrough, 3 April 1820, ViU:PP. For the list of sawmills see DNA:
Records of the Bureau of Census, Manufactures of Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle
County, 1820.


390. See TJ's Proposal for University Expenditures, 10 April, in ViU:TJ, TJ to
Brockenbrough, ca 10 April, in ViU:PP. Also, compare the estimate with Alexander
Garrett's Estimate of University Costs, 7 February, in ViU:JCC, and TJ's Statement of
Probable Costs for the Buildings, 28 November 1820, in ViU:TJ. TJ revised his estimate to
include the building of the Rotunda in the Spring of 1821.


391. TJ to José Francesco Corrêa Da Serra, 11 April 1820, DLC:TJ.