University of Virginia Library


What is the long Cathedral glade,
But Faith that in the structur'd shade
Herself embodies to the sense,
Leaning upon Omnipotence;


And Holiness, ennobling thought,
Into a living temple wrought?
There Strength and Beauty spring to life,
In contests of harmonious strife;
With blended glories high aloof,
Embracing on the gorgeous roof,
Till standing 'neath the giant throng
The soul expands, and feels her strong
With more than doth to man belong.
Nor gazing on th'ethereal hall
Let thoughts of vastness thee appall!
Through the still arch, night's awful dome,
Love gleams from his eternal home,
With countenance unearthly bright
Lifting the curtains of dead Night,
And thro' the vast of that wild sea
Speaks peace to fall'n humanity.
E'en thus the Creed's eternal scroll
Doth awe, but not confound the soul;
Like tent of ether spread above,
All fostering, all sustaining love,
There stretches her unfailing strength,
And height, and depth, and breadth, and length
Doth to our aid itself unfold,
Exalt, ennoble, strengthen, hold,
'Neath whose encircling canopy
We may from Sin and Sorrow flee.


God the beginning whence it rose,
And everlasting life the close.
Tho' clouds and darkness mantle round
Those towers, disclos'd on heavenly ground,
Mercy with them her light is blending,
On embassies of grace descending.
There, as within a darken'd glass,
Our God before us deigns to pass,
We 'neath His sheltering hand may hide,
And in our Rock unharm'd abide.
No sooner in His might array'd,
He hath the world's foundations laid,
Holding in hollow of His hand,
The Heav'ns—and earth—and sea—and land,
When lo, the crystal skies descend,
He comes below of man the Friend,
To walk with man till time shall end—
In him, with him, the weary steep to climb,
And lead him to calm heights beyond the sea of time.