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Fables in Song

By Robert Lord Lytton

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This voice from the heart of an Eagle came;
Who sat on a summit supreme and lone.
And his gaze was aglow with the reflex flame
Of the floating glories that round him shone.
Faintly there crept to his ear in reply
A thin weak voice, “I am here! I am he!
He whom thou seekest. No rest had I
Till I climb'd this height to be one with thee.
“Now I am safe at the top at last,
Thy peer, thy comrade! ready to share
And to feel with thee whatsoever thou hast
In thy stately spirit, thou Prince o' the Air!”
The Eagle, around him rolling his eyes,
Incredulous noticed the poor little soul
Whose voice had his own soul fill'd with surprise.
'Twas a tired, half torpid, and tiny black Mole.


“Thou?” said the lord of the lone hills, “thou!
Truly, 'twas neither of thee nor thine
That my spirit was dreaming. But tell me how
From the cells obscure of thy tortuous mine
“Hast thou found and clamber'd the sharp steep road
Up these desolate heights, poor serf of the soil,
Foregoing the shelter and comfort owed
To thy modest life of domestic toil?
“And me, of all others, to mate with? me!
What lured thee, alas, little pilgrim, here?
Can there aught in common between us be?
Hath a mole been ever an eagle's peer?”