University of Virginia Library



(From the Persian.)

Allah Akbar!
All things vanish after brief careering;
Down one gulf Life's myriad barks are steering;
Headlong mortal! hast thou ears for hearing?
Pause! Be wise! The Night, thy Night, is nearing!
Night is nearing!


Allah Akbar!
Towards the Darkness whence no ray is peering,
Towards the Void from which no voice comes cheering,
Move the countless Doomed—none volunteering—
While the Winds rise and the Night is nearing!
Night is nearing!
Allah Akbar!
See the palace-dome its pride uprearing
One fleet hour, then darkly disappearing!
So must all of Lofty or Endearing
Fade, fail, fall;—to all the Night is nearing!
Night is nearing!
Allah Akbar!
Then, since nought abides, but all is veering,
Flee a world which Sin is hourly searing,
Only so mayest front thy fate unfearing
When Life wanes, and Death, like Night, is nearing!
Night is nearing!