University of Virginia Library


There is a land where Fancy's twining
Her flowers around life's faded tree;
Where light is ever softly shining,
Like sunset o'er a tranquil sea;
'Tis there thou dwell'st in beauty's brightness,
More fair than aught on earth e'er seems,
'Tis there my heart feels most of lightness,
There, in the lovely land of dreams.
'Tis there in groves I often meet thee,
And wander through the silent shade,
While I, in gentlest accents, greet thee,
My own, my sweet, my constant maid!
There by some fountain fair, reposing,
While all around so tranquil seems,
We wait the golden evening's closing—
There, in the lovely land of dreams.


But when the touch of earthly waking
Hath broken slumber's sweetest spell,
Those fairy joys of fancy's making
Are in my heart remembered well.
The day, in all its sunshine splendour,
Less dear to me than midnight seems,
When visions shed a light more tender
Around the lovely land of dreams.