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The parables of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ

Done into familiar verse, with occasional applications, for the use and improvement of younger minds. By Christopher Smart

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Martha reproved.


Martha reproved.

Now haply in their way they came
Unto a certain village-dame,
Call'd Martha, who did entertain,
And make them in her house remain;
And with her was a sister dear,
Nam'd Mary, who was glad to hear
The word of Christ with heed discreet,
And sat obsequious at his feet.
But Martha was perplex'd with care,
Eager to serve and to prepare,
And she with her complaints drew nigh,
“Lord, dost thou not regard that I
“Am left to serve alone? she said,
“Bid Mary that she lend her aid.”
But, “Martha, Martha, Christ return'd,
“For many things thou art concern'd;
“But one thing needful is profess'd,
“And Mary's part is far the best,
“Which she has chosen here this day,
“And I shall never take away.”


All worldly work and carnal cares
Are little to the soul's affairs:
Laborious man would make pretence,
And challenge heav'n by diligence;
And while he's hoarding for the moth,
Thinks he shall 'scape eternal wrath.
No.—Ghostly toil and mental pain,
For blest incorruptible gain,
Are that which Christ our hope desires,
And dread necessity requires.