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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 72.

[O Lord, now we perceive most clear]

Eph. 1. 30. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed to the day of redemption.

[The First Part.]

O Lord, now we perceive most clear
Thy love is great indeed;
Ah we shall the Inheritance have
Which thou to buy didst bleed.
Thou wouldst not, Lord, bought it so dear
Had not thy purpose been
To make it sure unto our Souls
In spite of World, or Sin;
And as for us thou didst it buy,
And we the Earnest have,
So now we also do espy
A Seal to us does cleave.


We sealed are, O that's a thing
Which highly's valued,
And great assurance doth it bring
Of what is purchased.
It also doth impression make
Upon the wax always;
So we thy Image have hereby,
And shall have all our days:
But as the wax must melted be
Before it can receive
Th'impression of the Seal, so we
Are softned who believe:
And this doth thy bless'd Spirit do,
That holy Fire divine
His influences this does show,
Thus doth his glories shine.

The second Part.

And as a Seal some strive to change,
Or it do counterfeit;
So Satan, who about doth range,
Does strive our Souls to cheat.
A Seal is used to secure
Things secret and close, so
Thy Saints preserved are hereby
From Men and Devils too.
Now see ye who Professors are
That you have melted been,


As soften'd like the wax; have you
Been broken for your sin?
Hath any promise been set home
With power on your heart?
Did ever so God's Spirit come
His Image to impart?
O what Impression do you find?
Is holiness in you?
Do you now in the Lord delight
More than in things below.
Take care you who are sealed Ones
Ye don't the Spirit grieve;
Don't make him sigh with bitter groans,
Since such a Seal you have.
O prize him, and unto him live!
He is your dearest Friend;
Due glory see to him you give
Always unto the end.