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My soul extols the mighty Lord,
In God the Saviour joys my heart:
Thou hast not my low state abhorr'd;
Now know I, Thou my Saviour art.
Sorrow and sighs are fled away,
Peace now I feel, and joy and rest:
Renew'd, I hail the festal day,
Henceforth by endless ages blest.
Great are the things which Thou hast done;
How holy is Thy name, O Lord!
How wondrous is Thy mercy shown
To all that tremble at Thy word!
Thy conquering arm with terror crown'd
Appear'd the humble to sustain;
And all the sons of pride have found
Their boasted wisdom void and vain.
The mighty, from their native sky
Cast down, Thou hast in darkness bound;
And raised the worms of earth on high
With majesty and glory crown'd.
The rich have pined amidst their store,
Nor e'er the way of peace have trod;
Meanwhile the hungry souls Thy power
Fill'd with the fulness of their God.
Come, Saviour, come, of old decreed!
Faithful and true be Thou confest;
By all earth's tribes in Abraham's Seed
Henceforth through endless ages blest.