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Of Great Abington, in the County of CAMBRIDGE, Esq;


Who, having been bred under Sir Stephen Fox, was early preferr'd to considerable Posts; and, upon the Revolution, made Paymaster of King William's Army Abroad, for several Years; and afterwards Treasurer of the Chamber; till the Accession of Queen ANNE; when he retir'd to his Country Seat, where he serv'd as Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Captain of the Militia, and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, till his Death. Anno Dom. 1726. Æt. 66.

If Skill in Business, Honour, Health,
Courage and Bravery, Pow'r and Wealth,
Candour and Truth, cou'd Mortals save—.
Then Sizer had not grac'd the Grave.


All that was Manly, Generous, Great,
Made His a Character compleat!
The Force of Virtue cou'd not mend,
In Him, the Patriot and the Friend!
—Yet, ah! how earthly Glories fade!
Ev'n He is low and silent laid;
And scarce, but in Records of Fame,
By Verse preserv'd, a living Name!
—What then may vulgar Souls expect
But Death, Oblivion, and Neglect?