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An Answer to Mr. Waller's Poem on Oliver's Death; called the Storm

written by Sir W******** G---.
'Tis well he's gone (O had he never been)
Hurried in Storms, loud as his crying Sin;
The Pines and Oakes fell prostrate at his Urn;
That with his Soul his Body too might burn:
Winds pluck up Roots, and fixed Cedars move,
Roaring for Vengeance to the Heavens above.
From Theft, like his, great Romulus did grow,
And such a Wind did at his Ruine blow.
Strange that the lofty Trees themselves should fell
Without the Axe; so Orpheus went to Hell:
At whose descent the stoutest Rocks were cleft,
And the whole Wood its wonted station left.
In Battle Hercules wore the Lyon's Skin;
But our fierce Nero wore the Beast within:
Whose Heart was brutish more than Face or Eyes,
And in the shape of Man was in Disguise:
Where ever Men, where ever Pillage lies,
Like Ravenous Vultures our wing'd Navy flies:
Under the Tropick we are understood,
And bring home Rapine through a purple Flood:


New Circulations found our Blood is hurl'd,
As round the lesser to the greater World.
In Civil Broils he did us first engage,
And made Three Kingdoms subject to his Rage.
One Fatal Stroke slew Justice and the Cause
Of Truth, Religion, and our Sacred Laws.
So fell Achilles by the Trojan Band,
Though he still fought with Heaven its self in's hand:
Nor would Domestick Spoil confine his Mind,
Nor Limits to his Fury but Mankind.
The British Youths in Foreign Courts are sent,
Towns to destroy, but more to Banishment;
Who since they cannot in this Isle abide,
Are confin'd Prisoners to the World beside.
No wonder then if we no Tears allow
To him that gave us Wars and Ruine too:
Tyrants that lov'd him, griev'd concern'd to see,
There must be Punishment for Cruelty.
Nature her self rejoyced at his Death,
And on the Waters sung with such a Breath,
As made the Sea dance higher than before,
While her glad Waves came dancing to the Shore.