University of Virginia Library



When as the prynce of angells, puff'd with pryde,
Styrr'd his seditious spyrittes to rebell,
God choose for cheife his champion Michaell;
And gave hym charge the hoste of heaven to guyde.
And when the Angells of the rebells' syde
Vanquisht in battayle from theyr glory fell,
The pryde of heaven became the drake of hell,
And in the dungeon of dispayre was tyed.
Thys dragon, synce lett loose, God's Church assail'd,
And shee by helpe of Mychaell's swoarde prevail'd.
Who ever try'd adventures lyke thys knyght;
Which, generall of heaven, hell overthrewe?
For such a lady as God's spouse dyd fyght,
And such a monster as the Dyvell subdue?