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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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To take is to giue; for a Gift, Liberty.
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To take is to giue; for a Gift, Liberty.

Ovr Mouthes runne o'er with false Superlatiues,
in praising him, though bad, that did vs good;


Which are nought else, but true demonstratiues
of the Corruption of our basest bloud.
For, Pride can giue as much as Charitie:
and Tyranny as much as Mercy can:
But, who applauds or Pride or Tyranny,
doe Monsters praise, the Minde doth make the Man.
Then shall we take no good gifts of the lad?
I say not so: and yet, I say, who will
Take Kingdomes of the Diu'll, are worse than mad;
for He doth good to no man, but for ill:
Then sith, for Gifts, Men giue their Libertie,
Such Gifts binde Takers oft to villanie.