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Willobie His Avisa

Or The true Picture of a modest Maid, and of a chast and constant wife. In Hexamiter verse. The like argument wherof, was neuer heretofore published [by Henry Willoby]

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The Authors conclusion.

So thus she stands vnconquered yet,
As Lambe amidst the Lions pause,
Whom gifts, nor wils, nor force of wit,
Could vanquish once with all their shewes,
To speake the truth, and say no more,
I neuer knew her like before.
Then blame me not, if I protest,
My sillie Muse shall still commend
This constant A. aboue the rest,
While others learne their life to mend,
My tongue on high and high shall raise,
And alway sing her worthie praise.
While hand can write, while wit deuise,
While tongue is free to make report,
Her vertue shall be had in prise
Among the best and honest sort,
And they that wil mislike of this,
I shall suspect, they strike amis.
Eternall then let be the fame
Of such as hold a constant mind,
Eternall be the lasting shame,
Of such as waue with euery wind:
Though some there be that will repine;
Yet some will praise this wish of mine.
But here I cease for feare of blame,
Although there be a great deale more,
That might be spoken of this dame,
That yet lies hid in secret store,
If this be lik't, then can I say,
Ye may see more another day.
Agitante calescimus illo.