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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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All this ; my deere Cosen; we now perceaue right-well.
But we must go speedely, and follow our worthy Arte:
That we be not any-more, so feared in our Heart:
Spare not anyone, wherseuer thou comst-in-place,
With thy Good-thinking/but spread it theare a pace.
Practise now Subtiltee/and New-inuentions frame:
That we be no more put-downe, nor brought to any Shame.
Therfore now in Arguing, make Discorde and Debate/
Through thy Spirits Inspiring, with Disputing and with Prate.
Flourish-out thy Woords now, with smooth and gallant Phrase:
That the Grounde af the Trueth, be not knowen in any-case.
And I Unregarding, wil them well to mee allure.

Gowe then together, we wil so temper it to procure,
That they shall very well disgest our Gobbetts euery bitt:
For to vs, this kynde of Dealing, cannot be teadious a whitt.
We wil now go streaw abrode, our Uenom in eury Wynde:
That we may by that meanes, deuour all what we fynde.

We shall blynde & catch them all. We need not to dout it/
We Two together, match them shall. Therfore gowe about it.