University of Virginia Library


Students can join the Mess-Club with the design of reducing the cost
of living while members of the institution. Suitable University rooms
have been assigned for the accommodation of the club. The Mess will
be managed by its own members as far as practicable. The Chairman
of the University will render such assistance as may be found necessary
to advance its interests.

By the experience of private mess-clubs connected with the University
during several sessions past, it is established that the cost of living, including
board, room-rent, fuel, etc., need not exceed fifteen dollars per
month, with the fare abundant and wholesome. The rate per month
will, however, depend upon the good management of the club. The business
of the Mess, catering, etc., will be attended to by a superintendent
to be selected by the club, subject to the approval of the Faculty. It is
suggested to those students who propose to join a mess-club to bring
bedding, etc., from their homes with them.

Apply to the Chairman of the Faculty for further information upon
the subject.