University of Virginia Library

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The charges common to all classes of students, if two occupy the same
room, are as follows:

Matriculation and Library Fee,  $30 00 
Room Rent,  15 00 
Contingent Deposit,  10 00 
Infirmary Fee,  7 50 
Fuel and Lights, about,  25 00 
Board, including diet, furniture of room, and attendance,  180 00 
Washing $1.50 per month—per session, say,  13 50 
$281 00 

By messing, the board may be reduced to $90, and thus the expenses
above enumerated may be reduced to $191.

The tuition fees of Academic students attending three schools (the
usual number attended in one session) amount to $75; of Law students
to $80; of students of Civil Engineering, attending three schools, to
$100; and of Medical students, to $110. Adding tuition fees to the
above estimate of common expenses of students ($281), gives the aggregate
of the necessary expenses of students, exclusive of text-books, clothing,
and pocket-money, as follows:

By messing. 
Academic students,  $356  $266 
Law students,  361  271 
Engineering students,  381  291 
Medical students,  391  301 


Page 54

The following are the fees for the students of Analytical and Agricultural

For the first Laboratory class $50, and an additional charge of $10 for
Laboratory material consumed.

For the second Laboratory class $100, and a charge of $25 for Laboratory
material consumed.

For the third Laboratory class (special class for Medical students) or
for the class in Practical Pharmacy, $20, and a charge of $5 for Laboratory
material consumed.

Each Laboratory student, in whatever course of instruction, except
that of Practical Pharmacy, will be required to furnish himself with the
more common and generally necessary articles of apparatus. The cost
of a suitable set need not exceed $15.

For the course of lectures on Agricultural Chemistry, if taken without
the Laboratory course, $15; but Laboratory students of any class are
entitled to attend these lectures free of charge.

For the course of Practical Physics $100 when six lessons a week are
given, and $50 when three only are given; these fees including all
charges except those for breakage of apparatus.

All the foregoing items are payable in advance, except board and
washing. One-third ($60) of the board is required on admission, and
the balance in equal instalments, at three and six months thereafter.
Washing is paid for monthly.

The contingent deposit is designed to cover any assessments that may
be made against the student during the session for violation of the rules
of the library, damage to books, room, etc. The residue, less these assessments,
which are generally small, and may be nothing, is refunded to
the student on the settlement of his account at the close of the session.


There is a well-appointed infirmary connected with the University for
the care and comfort of sick students. Every student on admission deposits
the infirmary fee, ($7.50,) which entitles him, in case of sickness
during the session, to the advice and attention of the infirmary physicians,
(Professors in the Medical Department,) and if necessary, nursing by professional
nurses without additional charge.


There are two large boarding houses within the precincts of the University,
and several outside, but in the immediate vicinity. At these,
nearly all the students find accommodations, and at charges essentially


Page 55
the same. Some find accommodations in private families; some also,
for the sake of economy, mess together and board themselves.

To secure rooms in the University buildings, application may be made
by letter to the Proctor; but if the rent is not deposited with him before
the 15th of September, the room is considered to be unengaged.


No abatement is made in the matriculation and tuition fees and room
rent on account of late entrance, unless the student enters after the first
of January, and no portion of the same is refunded on account of withdrawal
before the close of the session, unless the withdrawal be rendered
necessary by ill health, and occur before the first of March. The charges
for board, fuel, lights, and washing are estimated from the time of entrance.
Many disadvantages to the student result from late entrance;
therefore prompt attendance at the beginning of the session is earnestly
enjoined upon all who wish to derive the full benefits of the course of


An Act of the Legislature prohibits merchants and others, under severe
penalties, from crediting students. The license to contract debts, which
the chairman is authorized to grant, is confined (except when the parent
or guardian otherwise in writing requests,) to cases of urgent necessity;
and these, it is hoped, parents and guardians will as far as possible prevent
from arising by the timely supply of the requisite funds.


Ministers of the Gospel may attend any of the schools of the University
without the payment of fees to the Professors. The same privilege
will be extended to any young man preparing for the ministry, on
condition that he shall submit testimonials that he is a bona fide candidate
for the ministry, and unable to meet the expenses of education at
the University without aid.


Wm. Wertenbaker, Librarian.

The library of the University, originally selected and arranged by Mr.
Jefferson, and since enlarged by purchases and donations, now contains
about 35,000 volumes.

Students are allowed the use of the books under the usual restrictions,
and the librarian is present in the library for four hours daily, to attend
to their wants.