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Note.—All registrations in Music whether for credit courses or for private
instruction must be made after consultation with the representatives of the
department to be found in the library of Peabody Hall.

Music s20: Sight Reading and Notation: Both Terms. 9:30; M. R.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Eley. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

This course is especially planned to give those who have previously had very little or
no music a practical teaching knowledge of music. A beginners' course in sight reading,
ear training and dictation; notation; scales; key signatures; application to rote songs.
Open to all students.

Music s21: Sight Reading, Ear Training, Solfegge, Rhythm and Elementary
First Term. 11:30; M. R. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher.

Open to all students.

Sight singing and dictation; intervals; formation of scales and triads; rhythmic formations;
simple chord progressions; especial stress upon ear training and development of
fluency in sight reading.

Music s22: Chorus: Both Terms. M. R. 12:30 daily. Credit, ½ session-hour.

First Term, Mr. Fickenscher. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Practical application of Music s20 and s21.

In order to obtain credit for courses in Music all students will be required to take
this course or Music s23.

Music s23: Choir: First Term. Rehearsals at 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. each
Wednesday. Mad. H. ½ session-hour credit is offered to members for efficient
work and regular attendance.

Mr. Eley.

In order to obtain credit for courses in Music all students will be required to take
this course or Music s22.

Music s24: Material and Methods: Both Terms. 8:30; Mad. H. Credit,
1 session-hour.

First Term, Mrs. Fickenscher. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Presentation of music, sight reading and materials of grades according to the newest
methods employed in public schools; selection of rote songs; study of the child voice;
treatment of rhythm and pitch "retards"; study of tonal and rhythmic problems; a complete
outline of the work required in each year from the first through the sixth. This
course may be taken concurrently with Music s20.


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Music s25: Teaching of Music: First Term. 10:30; M. H. Credit, 1

Mr. Eley.

This course deals with the study and demonstration of material and methods in the
grades with particular stress upon the teaching of music in the spirit and atmosphere
of the progressive school. The work of each year is taken up and the problems which
confront the grade teacher, rural school teacher and supervisor are carefully considered.

Music s26: The Teaching of Music—Special Problems: First Term.
9:30; Mad. H. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mrs. Fickenscher.

A course designed for teachers who desire more advanced work or help in special
problems. Introducing 2 and 3 part reading and singing with practical work, if desired;
selection of materials; various studies of special problems in the field of Public School
Music chosen by individual students.

Music s27: Counterpoint: First Term. 8:30; Amphitheatre. Credit, 1

Mr. Fickenscher.

Counterpoint from the First to the Fifth Species; combined counterpoint. In order
to accommodate beginners and those more advanced, both strict and free counterpoint
(the latter if there are students capable of this development) will be given.

Note.—It is advisable to take this course before Harmony Music s26 as it will be
found to be a great help in the study of harmony. Both courses may be taken concurrently.

Music s28: Harmony: First Term. 9:30; Amphitheatre. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher.

Students taking this course are required to have had ear training and a preliminary
knowledge of musical notation, intervals and scale formation, also, to have sufficient piano
technic to play simple chord successions.

Scales, intervals, triads, chords of the seventh harmonic relationships and their tendencies,
voice progressions, dissonances, suspensions, sequences, cadences, pedal point,
modulation and harmonization of melodies.

This course will be divided into two sections if there is any demand for advanced

Music s29: Music Appreciation: First Term. 11:30; M. H. Credit, 1

Mr. Eley.

Open to all students.

The music material used is presented in sequence, showing its development as
to form and types of composition. This will establish an appreciation of the consistency
of music as an art, show its possibilities as subject matter of educational value, and
develop a background upon which to base methods of procedure in teaching appreciation.
This course, while of primary interest to music teachers and supervisors, will be interesting
as well to teachers in rural schools, grade teachers and principals. Readings required.

Music s30: The Study of Choral and Orchestral Directing: Lectures
and laboratory course. First Term. Two one and one-half hour periods per
week. 4:30 to 6:00; M. R. Credit, ½ session-hour. (It is advisable that
this course be combined with Ensemble Singing—Music s22.)

Mr. Fickenscher.

Fundamentals of choral and orchestral conducting with practice; compass, characteristics
and tonal effects of voices and orchestral instruments; reading of orchestral scores.
Designed especially for teachers of Public School Music who have to deal with school
orchestras or bands and Glee Clubs. Instrumental players are invited to join the orchestra
whether the course is taken for credit or not.