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[Out of the deep I cry]


To—“Saviour, the world's and mine!

Out of the deep I cry,
Just at the point to die;
Hastening to eternal pain,
Jesus, Lord, I cry to Thee;
Help a feeble child of man,
Show forth all Thy power in me.
On Thee I ever call,
Saviour, and Friend of all:
Well Thou know'st my desperate case,
Thou my curse of sin remove,
Save me by Thy richest grace,
Save me by Thy pardoning love.
How shall a sinner find
The Saviour of mankind?
Canst Thou not accept my prayer,
Not bestow the grace I claim?
Where are Thy old mercies, where
All the powers of Jesu's name?
What shall I say to move
The bowels of Thy love?


Are they not already stirr'd?
Have I in Thy death no part?
Ask Thy own compassions, Lord,
Ask the yearnings of Thy heart.
I will not let Thee go,
Till I Thy mercy know;
Let me hear the welcome sound,
Speak, if still Thou canst forgive,
Speak, and let the lost be found,
Speak, and let the dying live.
Thy love is all my plea,
Thy passion speaks for me:
By Thy pangs and bloody sweat,
By Thy depths of grief unknown,
Save me gasping at Thy feet,
Save, O save Thy ransom'd one!
What hast Thou done for me?
O think on Calvary!
By Thy mortal groans and sighs,
By Thy precious death I pray,
Hear my dying spirit's cries,
Take, O take my sins away!