University of Virginia Library


A week ere yet her Saint was born
Columba's mother prayed alone—
Thus sang the Bard on Ascension Morn—
Then the Angel of Eire before her shone.
He lifted a Veil snow-white, yet red
With Roses wrought around and around:
And ‘These are the Wounds of Love,’ he said.
‘That heal the wounded, and wound hearts sound.
He dropped that Veil on her head; and lo!
A wind from God outstretched it wide;
And a golden glory suffused its snow;
And the heart of its Roses grew deeplier dyed.
Like a cloud of dawn on the breeze it flew;
Yet it clung to her holy head the while;
It spanned the woods, and the headlands blue;
It circled and girdled with joy the Isle!


And this was a sign that, come what might,
In gloom or glory, in good or ill,
Columba's Gospel with love and light
Should clasp and comfort his Erin still:
A sign, and a pledge, and a holy troth
That hath not failed her, and never can;
For God to Columba sware an oath
That Eire should be dear to the God made Man;
More dear as the centuries onward rolled,
When her bread should be shame, and grief her wine;
And mantled more closely with fold on fold
Of healing radiance and strength divine.
Thus sang to the vanquished the Bard Maelmire,
As the tide swelled up on the grassy shore
And the smooth sea filled with the sunset's fire:
He sang; and the weepers wept no more.