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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LXI.

The Argument.

This prayth in payne and stresse: as far exylde and fled,
and thanks it giueth: for succor sent, it figurth chrict our hed

Exaudi Domine.


My cryeng heare O God,
That voyce doth sing in song:
Geue eare to me: thus cast abrode,
as fled for feare of wrong.


From furthest coastes of earth,
To thee shall come my cry:
Whyle hart feelth griefe: to rocke me lead,
That hygher is than I.


For thou hast bene my trust,
In whome I hopt alone:
Of refuge strong: and tower so sure,
To fence from me my fone.


In thyne owne tente by thee,
For aye I trust to dwell:
Wythin thy wynges: most couertly,


To lye I trust full well.



For thou my God hast heard,
My vowes and prayers sad:
And them thou gauest: an heritage,
Thy name who duly drad.


The kyng hys dayes wyth dayes,
Thou shalt encrease in length:
Hys yeares to be: perpetuall,
Euen thus thou shalt hym strength.


For euer he shall dwell,
Before hys God in sight:
O than prepare: hym grace and truth,
Which may defend hys might.


In Psalmes to prayse thy name,
I will whyle world doth last:
And pay my vowes most thankfully,
From day to day as fast.