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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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The sweet spring now is come'ng
In beautifull sunshine
Thorns bud & wild flowers blooming
Daisey & Celadine
Somthing so sweet there is about the spring
Silence is music ere the birds will sing
And theres the hedgerow pootys
Blackbirds from mossy cells
Pick them where the last year's shoot is
Hedge bottoms & wood dells
Stript, spotted, yellow, red, to spring so true
For which the schoolboy looks with pleasures new
On gates the yellow hammer
As bright as Celadine
Sits—green linnets learn to stammer
& Robins sing divine
On brown land furrows stalks the crow
& magpies on the moor below


In small hedged closes lambkins stand
Its cud the heifer chews
Like snow clumps upon fallow land
They shine among the Ewes
Or sheets of water by moonlight
The Lambkins shine so very white
The lane the narrow lane
With daisy beds beneath
You scarce can see the light again
Untill you reach the heath
Thorn hedges grow & meet above
For half a mile a green alcove
The netles by garden walls
Stand angrily & dun
Summer on them like poison falls
& all their blossoms shun
The abby's haunted heaps of stone
Is by their treachery overgrown
Theres verdure in the stony street
Decieving earnest eyes
The bare rock has its blossom's sweet
The micriscope espies
Flowers leaves & foliage every where
That cloaths the animated year
Fields meadows woods & pastures
Theres spring in every place
From winters wild disasters
All wear her happy face
Beast on their feet & birds upon the wing
The very clouds upon the sky look spring


Sunshine presses by the hedge
& there's the pileworts sure to come
The primrose by the rustling sedge
& largest cowslips first in bloom
All show that spring is every where
The flowery herald of the year