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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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432. Beatitude. 1. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”


Are there blessings? are there curses?
Both there are, and both will be!
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
Those, O Lord! who worship thee;
But the foes of the Redeemer,
Shall not God, in glory, see.


Pride is restless as the ocean
That in slumber breathes alarm;
Honours, scrupulous, exacting,
Fancying foes in every form;
Tumult, his commanding passion,
And his element, the storm!


Blessed are the poor in spirit;
Their commotions long have ceas'd;
Striving not to be the greatest;
Satisfied to be the least.
Through the sovereign balm, contentment,
Theirs is a continual feast.



What in them should wake the tempest?
Though the world, inconstant, frown,
Safe, beyond these scenes of turmoil,
They behold a radiant crown!
Taught by wisdom, little heeding
Earth's possessions or renown.


Father! ever good and bounteous,
On my heart, unceasing, shine!
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
May that blessing, Lord! be mine!
May I, in the darkest season,
On thy word, in hope, recline!

433. Beatitude. 2. “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”


Fears, perplexities, and mourning,
Often we are call'd to know,
In our rough and stormy passage
Through this world of sin and woe;
But, the joys that wait the faithful,
Will a recompense bestow.


Christ, the hope of man, hath promised
To the captive, friendless, bound,
His effectual consolations,
If, in ways of wisdom, found,
With redemption, everlasting,
Where the saints, the Lamb surround.


In that world of light and glory,
We on angels' fare shall feed,
Where our pleasures, ever flowing,
From the fount of God proceed:
Joys, substantial and increasing,
Which reverse shall not succeed!



Let, no longer, Zion's Travellers
Hang the head, and heave the sigh,
Earth is theirs, and theirs is heaven!
Prospects vast before them lie
In reversion, stretching forward
To the throne of God, on high!

434. Beatitude. 3. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”


The warrior twines his envied garlands;
The conqueror proudly waves his bays;
Are these their honours amaranthine,
That Haste suspends his march, to gaze;
And crowds around, through air extending,
The shout of gratulation raise?


Alas! the crowns so hardly fought for,
Are withered by the evening sun!
And those who wear them, like their laurels,
Have oft their race of glory run!
Then, what avail the loudest plaudits,
If they no higher prize have won!


The Meek are blessed! They inherit
The choicest favours earth can give;
A peaceful mind, the hope inspiring,
In heaven, for ever, soon to live!
This is their verdant wreath, unfading,
And this their high prerogative!


O, may the meek and gentle spirit
Which God approves, be our delight;
May we prepare our eagle pinion
To enter on our heaven-ward flight,
And bid adieu, like captives ransomed,
To bondage, and these realms of night.


435. Beatitude. 4. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”


All men for different objects hunger;
Some, for the shadowy things below,
Which fade and perish with the using;
Nor will they earthly joys forego,
To muse on heaven, to walk with God,
And in his grace and favour grow!


Diversified as form and feature,
All men for different objects thirst;
Few, for the things entailing blessings,
But most, for those pronounced accurst!
Desiring not Jehovah's smile,
The Mighty Being, best, and first!


Those who are roused from Nature's darkness,
In truth and righteousness delight:
With choice, that none have yet repented,
They seek the country, “out of sight;”
And fix their vision, and their hopes
On God, and goodness infinite.


Eternal Father! Source of Blessings!
Give us the wisdom from above!
The spirit, tuned to heaven's high harpings,
The heart endued with sacred love;
Then, in the way, and when thou wilt,
Our ripened souls from earth remove!


Death wears no terrors to the faithful;
They saw their Lord depart before,
And, with a fix'd and full assurance,
Shrink not dismay'd from Jordan's shore:
With nobler aims, they idolize
The vanities of time no more.


436. Beatitude. 5. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”


What so lovely as compassion,
In a world of pain and woe?
Where the wants of feeble creatures
Meet our eyes, wheree'er we go?
Those, of God and man, are blessed,
Who the healing balm bestow.


Mercy is an angel's feature,
First derived from worlds on high!
Mercy is the link that binds us
To the Father of the sky!
For this rich, this heavenly blessing,
Lo! we lift th' imploring eye!


Great, O Lord! is thy forbearance,
And thy mercies, who can tell!
Through transgression, when our father
From his state primeval fell,
Thou didst pity, thou didst pardon,
And redeem from death and hell.


In our season of desertion,
When no other help was found,
Thou didst send thy well-beloved,
To unloose the captive bound,
That, to penitents, “salvation!”
Might through earth and heaven resound.


Here was mercy, everlasting,
Worthy of a God to show!
Here was love, in fulness flowing
From its source, to man below!
Still, let mercy, still compassion,
Plants of heaven, within us grow.



Full of blessings, God hath promis'd,
(For our joy till time shall end,)
He who mercy shews, shall find it,
Through our Advocate and Friend,
In the solemn hour advancing,
When to judgment we ascend.

437. Beatitude. 6. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”


Barren are our hearts, by nature,
Cold as ice, and hard as stone!
Sin we hate not, Satan dread not,
God, we neither love, nor own:
We desire not heaven's inspection,
But would rule and live alone.


Holy Father! by thy Spirit,
Raise our natures, make them pure!
May we seek thy strength to aid us,
Riches true, that will endure!
Let an evil world no longer,
With its snares, our hearts allure.


May we, ever, Lord! remember
Blessed are the pure in heart!
Such shall see thy face, rejoicing,
And with angels share a part:
From thy presence, source of blessings!
They shall never more depart!


Shall we barter hopes immortal?
Shall we let our birth-right go?
O, our Father! full of mercy,
To escape the world of woe,
Sovereign pardon, grace effectual,
For the sake of Christ bestow!


438. Beatitude. 7. “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.”


The world, since Adam fell, is stormy,
A “moral darkness” reigns around:
Injustice here provokes contention,
And there the shouts of warfare sound!
Fierce commotion! desolation!
Stretch'd to earth's remotest bound.


Some, who strive to stem the torrent,
Concord prizing, forward stand:
With the meek and quiet spirit,
These proclaim their Lord's command,
“Peace pursuing, love each other
In the great fraternal band!”


If they mark a brother wrathful,
(Wrath ascending from beneath!)
They dissension's fire augment not,
They the soothing whisper breathe;
Ever aiming, as befits them,
Discord's two-edg'd sword to sheathe!


If the world be toss'd with tumult,
Sons of Peace, in peace delight:
They, for wrongs, return no evil,
But, for evil, good requite:
In their heaven-illumin'd spirits,
There is joy, and there is light!


Such are children of the highest,
To their Father ever dear;
They shall reach the blissful regions
Where contentions disappear;
And, for ever, (full fruition!)
Banish'd are the sigh and tear.


439. Beatitude. 8. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


Mourning for our fallen nature,
Hear the great Redeemer bless
Those who injuries meekly suffer
For the cause of righteousness!
If reviled, and though in fetters,
May we ever God confess!


Lo! the demon, Persecution!
Lights his torch, and rears his stake,
Dragging, from his quiet dwelling,
One, his cruel rage to slake!
Pitiless, his prey consuming!
For the Best of Being's sake!


See! the father, on his offspring,
Fixing steadfastly his eyes!
See! the children, wild and weeping!
See! the wife, in frantic guise!
Heaven imploring! unavailing!
See! the flames, at length, arise!


Whence these horrors? Does a murderer
Heaven's avenging hand confess?
He is but a patient sufferer
For the cause of righteousness!
And, expiring, like his Saviour,
His inhuman foes can bless!


What can shame and anguish stifle,
But the martyr's feeling true?
What repress the force of Nature?
What the dread of death subdue?
But the vision, beatific!
Heaven unfolding to his view!



Look beyond the hour of torture!
See, his crown, the martyr wear!
Envy not the proud oppressor!
Though he now may laugh at fear,
Darkness gathers! brief the triumph!
His reward is drawing near!

440. Beatitude. 9. “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, &c.”


Are there blessings still recorded,
To inspire us on our way?
Crowns unwithering, glorious mansions,
Regions of immortal day,
To receive us, everlasting!
When these heavens have passed away?


He, who rescued man from ruin,
Hath a blessing left behind,
On their heads, who bear revilings,
Evil thoughts, and words unkind,
For adherence, meek, but steadfast,
To the Saviour of mankind.


View not, as a bitter portion,
Burdens, you are called to bear!
Soon the ills, that now afflict you,
Less than nothing will appear,
When you enter, heirs of glory!
On the one eternal year!


Be exceeding glad and joyful;
These are signs of future good!
Crowns, that fade not, wait the righteous,
(Through the Saviour's precious blood;)
To possess your weight of glory,
Fearless, enter Jordan's flood!



Keener pangs than you have suffered,
Righteous men endured of old!
Prophets, servants of the Highest,
Many a tale of sorrow told!
Short the conflict! now, for ever,
They, the face of God behold!


For your momentary anguish,
Ages of delight await;
When you pass, with all the ransomed,
(Led by angels,) Zion's gate!
Former sorrows, once so grievous,
Will but swell your happier state.


Raise the head that now is drooping!
With such prospects, bright, before,
An inheritance of glory!
Why upon the present pore?
Through Messiah, on the morrow,
You shall ever God adore!