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No radiant diadem
For heroes' brows I twine;
Roses and bay for them,
Sad leaves for thine!
Not the sepulchral yew,
That wears a solemn grace;
That were more meet to strew
Some dear dead face.
Heartsease and violets
In sweet humility;
These are for calm regrets,
And not for thee.
Thorns for the holy brow
Of royal suffering;
A crown of pain, and thou
Art more than king.
But flowers that close at eve,
When dews of healing fall;
Frail weeds of night shall weave
Thy coronal.


Or those rude herbs that shed
Their seed in miry ways;
The lark sings overhead,
With none to praise.
Lilies for innocence,
Snowdrops for hope divine,
The rue for sad suspense,
And that is thine!