University of Virginia Library



Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”—Rom. x. 1.

Lord, I would pray! My heart's desire
Is just to commune now with Thee,
And clothed in faith's own fair attire
To find what prophets could not see;
I would ascend, I do aspire,
O breathe Thy Spirit into me.
If I unburden every care,
Thou wilt in each have larger share.
I would be very much alone
With Thee and this frail human heart,
And then Thy Presence there enthrone
From all my worldly ways apart;
Thy Love for losses will atone,
When I behold Thee as Thou art.
Secrets I whisper in Thine ear,
Thou wilt hold sacred and most dear.
Lord, I would step aside from toil
And trouble that I yet must meet,
I ask Thy Peace and better spoil
Than gained in busy mart or street;
May earth now be all holy soil,
And with Thy Glory blest and sweet.
Whate'er in Thee I do or dare,
Let my whole life be Praise and Prayer.