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The Poetical Works of David Macbeth Moir

Edited by Thomas Aird: With A Memoir of the Author

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Is Ednam, then, so near us? I must gaze
On Thomson's cradle-spot—as sweet a bard
(Theocritus and Maro blent in one)
As ever graced the name—and on the scenes
That first to poesy awoke his soul,
In hours of holiday, when Boyhood's glance
Invested nature with an added charm.”


So saying to myself, with eager steps,
Down through the avenues of Sydenham—
(Green Sydenham, to me for ever dear,
As birth-house of the being with whose fate
Mine own is sweetly mingled—even with thine
My wife, my children's mother)—on I strayed
In a perplexity of pleasing thoughts,
Amid the perfume of blown eglantine,
And hedgerow wild-flowers, memory conjuring up
In many a sweet, bright, fragmentary snatch,
The truthful, soul-subduing lays of him
Whose fame is with his country's being blent,
And cannot die; until at length I gained
A vista from the road, between the stems
Of two broad sycamores, whose filial boughs
Above in green communion intertwined:
And lo! at once in view, nor far remote,
The downward country, like a map unfurled,
Before me lay—green pastures—forests dark—
And, in its simple quietude revealed,
Ednam, no more a visionary scene.