University of Virginia Library

HYMN 63. Christ the Saints Strength and Guide.


O Lord we praise thee with our Souls,
thou dost us Warning give
Of the great Dangers we are in,
and tell'st us how to Live.


Tis thou must give us Pow'r and Might,
that we may Watchful be;
To give us Strength, that Day and Night
we may sing Praise to Thee!


Our Steps direct, our Souls protect,
and in the way of Peace
Lead us, we pray; then to th'last Day
our Joy will never cease.


Thou wilt not leave us, we do know,
to Fight, or War, alone;
But wilt assist us evemore,
until all Danger's gone.


Worthy art thou, therefore, O Lord,
of Praise continually;
Let all that is in us give Thanks,
and Praise Thee till we Die.