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Platonick Love.


Platonick Love.


I courtier-like did once that Beauty prize,
Which had no comely Shape or handsom Eyes;
I valu'd any Love but that which came
From Plato's great seraphick Brain:
I wish the Vulgar did agree
The Sensual was the Deity;
But when I found the Cheat, I chang'd the Scene,
And set up for an Isra'lite again.


I once obey'd th'imperious Charms of Love,
My weaker Needle to that Point did move;
But when the Transports of Diviner Light
Did with some Pleasure entertain my Sight,
I said, I'd ne're obey
False Love's tyrannick sway,
My Soul shall to Heav'n aspire,
And joyn the Element of Fire



This vicious Passion; 'll nere feed,
But by the Roots I'll pluck the Weed;
I'll quench her Fury with the Darts of Love,
That bring their Power from the Seats above.
Like bold Prometheus I will fly,
And match the Fire from the Sky:
To give Man Life he stole this Flame,
But I to purisie my Frame.


By Methods of Ascent aspire my Soul,
And to this End thy Haughtiness controul;
Leave pleasing Sense to Epicurus Train,
And be thou Plato's Proselyte again.
Be gone, and stretch thy Pinions wide,
Swim with the Current of th'etherial Tide,
And then let them ascend above,
A Place fit for platonick Love.