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ODE XXIII. To Phidyle.
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ODE XXIII. To Phidyle.

If once a Month to Heav'n you pray
With lifted Hands, and on the Shrine
Your this Year's Fruits and Incense lay,
And sacrifice a greedy Swine;


The Gods from Storms shall save your Vines,
Nor shall your blighted Harvest fail;
And as the sickly Year declines,
Your Children shall be strong and hail.
Let the devoted Herds, that feed
On Algidum o'er-grown with Wood,
Or those from rich Albania, bleed,
And paint the Pontiff's Axe with Blood:
The Gods require no Herds from you,
No rich Oblations, not your own;
Give 'em, what from a Swain is due,
A Rosemary or Myrtle Crown.
Bring but a little homely Cake,
With Hands that know no guilty Stain,
The Gods that humble Gift will take,
When Hecatombs are kill'd in vain.