University of Virginia Library

Mors tua. 1.

Can he be faire, that withers at a blast?
Or he be strong, that ayery Breath can cast?
Can he be wise, that knowes not how to live?
Or hee be rich, that nothing hath to give?
Can he be young, that's feeble, weake, and wan?
So faire, strong, wise, so rich, so young is man:
So faire is Man, that Death (a parting Blast)
Blasts his faire flow'r, and makes him Earth at last;
So strong is Man, that with a gasping Breath
Hee totters, and bequethes his strength to Death;
So wise is Man, that if with Death he strive,
His wisedome cannot teach him how to live;
So rich is Man, that (all his Debts b'ing paid)
His wealth's the winding-sheet wherein he's laid:
So yong is Man, that (broke with care and sorrow)
He's old enough to day, to Dye to morrow:
Why brag'st thou thē, thou worm of five-foot long?
Th'art neither faire, nor strong, nor wise, nor rich, nor yong.