University of Virginia Library

Kenneth III. 80th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 970, fra the begining of the Kingdome 1300, and Rang 24 Yeers.

A prince with all the Partes, that may be Praisd,
Or competent, or comelie into Kinges:
The rooted Vice, in Cullens Raigne, he Raisd,
And all abuses, in Obliuionn Bringes:
And had he nought, fall'ne in a foull offence,
None past before, had proovde a better Prence.
AT Loncartie he did destroy the Danes,
There where the Hayes thair first great Honor had:
His Kingdome he, in Concord all Contanes,
And did vndoe, thame that Rebellione Bred:
Bot yet a Womans Witt, (the waikest thing,)
Confounds with cvnning this courageous King.