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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psa. 76.


To the cheef Musitian a Psalme or song for Asaph. It is a Triumph-song to praise God, for that knowledge of him, which he hath vouchsafed vnto his Church typified by Iudah, Ierusalem, & Syon. It glorifieth Christ also, for his conquests over sinn, Death & the Devill. The vse is manyfest.


In Iurie, God is knowne full well;
His Name's in Isr'el great:
He, in Ierusalem doth dwell,
And, Syon is his seat.


Shaft, sword, & sheild, he battred there;
Yea, there he wonn the Feild;


And, more his powrs, and honors are,
Then spoilers Burroughts, yeald.


The strong are foilde; their dream is flowne
Their strength hath not prevaild:
For, at the God of Iacob's frowne,
Both horse & Charret faild.
Thou dreadfull art, & none, oh Lord,
Thine angry looks cann bear;
For, when thy voice from heav'n is heard.
The Earth is dumbe with fear.


The meek on earth, when thou to save,
And judge them (Lord) shalt please,


Thou by man's wrath, shalt honour have,
And, his hot rage appease.
To God make vowes; & presents give
All yee that round him are.
For, he doth kings of breath deprive
And makes great princes fear.