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Epigrams theological, philosophical, and romantick

Six books, also the Socratic Session, or the Arraignment and Conviction, of Julius Scaliger, with other Select Poems. By S. Sheppard

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Epig. 29. To my much honoured unckle M. Paul Clapham .

VVhy bring'st thou not to light thy worthy layes?
That we may crown thee with a wreath of Bays
But thou art wiser far (alas) then I,
And scorn'st to have those judge thy poesie:
Whose sordid souls cannot afford them Art
Of Hopkins maymed Psalmes to sing a part,
Who take the lines to pieces that they read,
Wound some, wire-drawing others, and do need


A Prompter, M. P's, Sonnets to con or'e,
But let not these, Deare Sir, I you implore
Hinder the wise from what they else might gaine,
Who shall with shouts reward your learned paine:
“For though we cannot tie the tongues of Fooles,
“'Twere madnesse therefore to pull down the Schools.