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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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That the Eye is Sinnnes Burning-glasse, working vpon the Heart and Soule.
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That the Eye is Sinnnes Burning-glasse, working vpon the Heart and Soule.

As Sinne's most conuersant with outward Sense;
so is she most familiar with the Eye:
For, shee sits in the eyes Concupiscence
as in her Throne of greatest Maiestie.
From eyes, to eyes, Sinne doth, in triumph, Tilt:
(a firie Serpent, clad in siluer Rayes:)
The end of whose Carreere is, where her guilt
makes blacke the Soule with Dolor and Dispraise.
Heuah first sinn'd: but, ere her Heart, her Eye
did Sinne commit; and all the lustfull Crue
Melt in that Sunne, like Yee, vntill they dye:
yet, like dead Flies, those Rayes, their liues renue:
Then, sith this Sunne exhales such Humours ill,
We must with Sorrowes Clouds, eclipse It still.