University of Virginia Library


[Would God (when I beheld thy bewteous face]

Would God (when I beheld thy bewteous face,
And golden tresses, rich with pearle, and stone)
Medusaes visage had appear'd in place,
With snakie lockes, looking on me alone:
Then had her dreadfull charming lookes me changed
Into a sencelesse stone, oh were I sencelesse!
Then rage through rash regard had neuer ranged,
Whereas to loue I stood disarm'd and fencelesse:
Yea but that diuerse obiect of thy face,
In me contrarious operations wrought,
A mouing spirite, prick't with bewties grace,
No pitties grace in thee, which I haue sought
Which makes me deeme, thou didst Medusa see,
And should thy selfe, a mouing marble bee.