University of Virginia Library




The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


Farewell sweet mother,
Weep not, weep not now for me,
Though my soul must wander hither,
Weep not mother now for me.
Soon with an angel band,
I will wander hand in hand,
To a fair and radiant land where
I will wait for thee—
Farewell sweet mother,
Weep not, weep not now for me;
Though my soul must wander hither,
Weep not mother now for me.


Farewell sweet mother,
Every night I've dreamed of thee,
And thy voice was soft and gentle,
Saying pleasant things to me
While you these vigils keep,
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Mother tell me why you weep,
Oh! weep not now for me—
Farewell sweet mother,
Weep not, weep not now for me;
Though my soul must wander hither,
Weep not mother now for me.