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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Division 2. Rules of Order and Procedure.

§ 2-20. Adoption and suspension.

§ 2-21. Robert's Rules of Order.

§ 2-22. Duties of presiding officer.

§ 2-23. President to decide questions of order; appeal from decision.

§ 2-24. President to state questions and declare results.

§ 2-25. Members—Withdrawing without leave.

§ 2-26. Same—Conduct in addressing body.

§ 2-27. Same—Order of recognition by the president.

§ 2-28. Same—Number and length of speeches.

§ 2-29. Same—How called to order.

§ 2-30. Same—Conduct while council sitting.

§ 2-31. Nonmembers addressing council.

§ 2-32. Communications to be in writing.

§ 2-33. Motions, etc. — To be in writing; stating before discussing; withdrawing.

§ 2-34. Same—Admitting under color of amendment.

§ 2-35. Same—Order of procedure.

§ 2-36. Same—To reconsider.

§ 2-37. Same—When motion to adjourn in order.

§ 2-38. Previous question—Motion for.

§ 2-39. Same—How put.

§ 2-40. Majority vote to govern unless otherwise provided.

§ 2-41. Aye and no vote.


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§ 2-42. Dissent or protest.

§ 2-43. Committees—Reports—When made.

§ 2-44. Same—Same—Form.

§ 2-45. Same—Meetings; chairman; quorum.

§ 2-46. Calendar of unfinished business.

§ 2-47. General order of business.

§ 2-48. Special order of business.

§ 2-49. Reconsidering or rescinding vote at special meetings.

§ 2-50. Voting at elections.

§ 2-51. Same—Members failing to vote; disqualifications.

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