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Att a greate and Generall Quarter Courte Holden for Virginia at Sr Edwin Sandys House neer Aldersgate the second of February 1619
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Att a greate and Generall Quarter Courte
Holden for Virginia at Sr Edwin Sandys
House neer Aldersgate the second of February


were Present

The Right Honorable:  William Earle of Pembrooke. 
Henry Earle of Southampton. 
Robert Earle of Warwicke. 
Iames Vicont Doncaster. 
The Lord Cauendish. 
The Lord Pagett. 

Sr Edwin Sandys Knight Thr̃er. 
Sr Tho: Roe.  mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Edwards. 
Sr Dudley Diggℯ.  mr Ferrar Depty mr Bull. 
Sr Tho: Gates.  mr Tho Gibbℯ.  mr Couell. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Samu: Wrote.  mr Woodall. 
Sr Henry Rainsforde.  Capt Bargraue.  mr Darnelly. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Rogers.  mr Casewell. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Bromfeilde.  mr Swinhow. 
Sr Henry Iones.  mr Keightley.  mr Moorer. 
Sr Tho: Wrorth.  mr Ia Swifte.  mr Robertℯ. 
Dr Anthony.  mr Bamforde.  mr Sparrow. 
Dr Gulstone.  mr Wheatley.  mr Mellinge.[71
Dr Winstone.  mr Berblock. 
Dr Bohune.  mr Briggs. 
mr Cranmer. 

Accordinge to a standinge Order the Lawes of the Company being
120: in nomber and devided into eighteene Chapters or Tytles were
now red vnto this greate Assembly, wch ended mr Thr̃er related that
the Kinge out of his greate care and wisedome had graunted to the
Company by his most gracious L̃res Pattents, ffower great and generall


Courts in the yeare comonly called Quarter Courtes to be held in the
4 Tearms, vnto wch was reserved 4: speciall things.
The Lawes red.
mr Thr̃er signified:
4speciall things re-
serued to ye 4: Qua:
Courtℯ by Mats:
L̃res Pattenℯ.

1: The makinge of Lawes and Orders. 2: Choyse of Officers 3 Graunts of Land. 4: Matter of Trade.

ffor the first hee p̳ceeded as formerly hee had done, that nothing was
so p̱fect wherin time discouereth not some imp̱fecc̃ons, so in ye Lawes
some thinge beinge found defective com̃ended to their Considerac̃on
some small Addic̃on and Correcc̃on of them formerly allowed in the
laste Quarter Courte thence referred to a Comittee by them presented
to the Councell, and lastly read in the precedinge Preparative Courte:
explayninge what was p̱formed vnto seuerall Tytles:

To the Tytle of Courtℯ: 3: Laws is added; To the Tytle of Treas-
uror—2: To the Tytle of Deputy. 1: To the Tytle of Counsell—1:
To the Tytle of Grauntℯ of Land—2: in the Tytle of Generallytie an
amendmt or Addic̃on of 2 wordes, in the Sixt order afterward (Court)
is added (or Councell) and so in the 13th order of Tytle of Treasuror
after the word (quorum) is added (vnderneath or) Wch Correcc̃ons
& Addic̃ons beinge approved off Mr Thr̃rer propounded ye confirmac̃on
of them in two questions; the one whether they would allow of ye
addic̃on of these two words in the said Tytles of Treasuror, and Gen-
erallyty to be incerted there in the face of the Courte; And whether
they would consent that the resydue should be entred by the Secre-
tary amongst the rest (accordinge to their referrences) in the booke
of Lawes and standinge Orders both wch by a Generall erecc̃on of
hands was ratefyed.

Addic̃ons to ye
The Confirmac̃on
of them propound-
ed in 2 questions

To the second poynt of Choosinge Officers he acquainted ye accordinge
to the said L̃res Pattents itt was no Courte vnless five of ye Counsell
were present by defect of wch nomber of the Councell were they
are often times att their Courts in tymes of Vacation inforced to stay
very longe before that nomber of the Councell be assembled by reason
such as frequents the Court are either in ye Countrie or imployed in
other buisines, that they cannott attend, therfore vppon Moc̃on from
the Councell, hee nominated 2: vnto ye Courte Mr Robert Heath
Recorder of this Citty who hath been and is a great Adventurer and


favourer of the Acc̃on: And Thomas Gibbs Esquire a gentleman of
good sufficiencie, and great zeale [72] to the Acc̃on, who for divers
years hath given diligent Attendance at all Courts and is imployed a
Comittee allmoste in all buisinesses, wch Two being putt to the ques-
tion were admitted to be Councellors of Virginia by free Consent.
Choosing Officers.
No Courte Vnless
5: of ye Councell
be pr̃nt:
2 nominated to be
of the Counsell.

The Third of Grauntℯ of Land hee acquainted them of fower seu9all
paire of Indentures lyinge all ingrossed before them graunted one to
Mr Robert Heath Recorder of London and his Associates, the s'cond
to Doctor Bohune, Iames Swifte and their Associates for Transport-
inge of 300 Personns: The Third to William Tracy esquire and his
Associates for Transportac̃on of 500 Persons, and the ffowerth to Iohn
Peeirce and his Associates their heirs and Assignes wch beinge all
fowre now red and examined and fyndinge them agree wth the
draughts p̱vsed and allowed by the Auditors were all of them allowed
and Sealed in veiwe of the Courte wth a Totall Approbac̃on

3 Grantℯ of Land:
4 Paire of Inden-
tures allowed of

Itt was ordered allso by generall Consent that such Captaines or
leadrs of Perticulerr Plantac̃ons that shall goe there to inhabite by
vertue of their Graunts and Plant themselvs their Teñntℯ and Serṽ-
ñntℯ in Virginia, shall have liberty till a forme of Gouerment be
here settled for them, Associatinge vnto them divers of the gravest
& discreetes of their Companies, to make Orders, Ordinances and
Constituc̃ons for the better orderinge and dyrectinge of their Servants
and buisines Prouided they be not Repugñnt to the Lawes of England.

Captaines or Lead-
ers of Perticuler
Plantacons to
make orders Cr.

Touchinge the fowerth poynt matter of Trade, Mr Treasuror acquainted the Courte, that the Magazine had now voluntarylie dissolved her
§ itt § selfe, wth provision graunted for their goods remayning in
Virginia so that now matter of Trade was free and open for all men
wth that provision.

Matter of Trade.
The Magazine be-
ing dissolued Mat-
ter of Trade is free
for all men.

Itt was now allso agreed touchinge the Order of ye Lords Comis-
sioners that the Company should be humble sutors vnto their LLps:
for some small amendment in the forme therof, Mr Thr̃er signifyinge
that the Counsell of Virginia sittinge wthin before the Courte there
beinge present all the Noble Lords before sett downe resolved that


they could not yeild to any thinge that might infringe theire [73]
Pattent wch resoluc̃on was wth generall demonstrac̃on of ioy embraced
by the Courte, and therfore desyred to choose a Comittee for that
purpose to wch end was nominated the Right Honole: the Earle of
Warwicke, The Lord Cauendish, The Lord Pagett, Mr Treasurer,
Sr Dudley Diggs, Sr Iohn Dauers, Sr Henry Rainsford Sr Nathaniell
Rich: Sr Lawrence Hide, Mr Xo: Brooke, Mr Nicho Hide, Mr Deputy,
Dr Winstone, Mr Gibbs, Mr Keightley, and Mr Cranmer who are desyred
to sett downe the Companies meaning in writing and present itt to the LLs: when Mr Thrr̃er shall thinke itt Convenyent to Sum̃on them.
The Compa to be
sutors to ye Lords
for some amend-
ment in ye Order.
nothinge in ye
Pattent to be in-
A Comittee to sett
downe ye Compa:
meaninge in writ-

Touchinge the Determinac̃on of the Tobacco referred vnto this Courte
belonginge to the Adventurers of the Magazine vppon the Moc̃on of
Sr Iohn Wolstenholme itt is deferred till to morrow afternoone, Att
wch time the Adventurers onely are desyred to meete att mr Ferrars
house to consider of the best course and conclude therof accordinglie.

The derminac̃on of
ye Tobacco referrd.

The Demaunds of the Citty read the last Courte concerninge the hun-
dreth Children beinge much distasted of this Company beinge such
as were repugñnt to the standinge Orders wch wch Could no way
be dispensed wth,[171] therfore the Comittees have rectefyed and Cor-
rected the Coppy so farr forth as may stand wth the Orders to admitt,
and have written a ɫre to the Lord Maior from the Cheife of the
Councell agreeinge to send the ɫre and returne the altered Coppie to
morrow morninge to the Courte of Aldermen, requestinge Sr Thomas
Wroth, and mr Gibbes to deliuer them, and require their speedy reso-
lucc̃ons because the spedy dep̱ture of the Ships will suffer no delays
this followinge beinge the true Coppie.

The Coppie of ye
Citties Demaunds
touchinge ye 100
Children Correct-
A ɫre written to
ye Lord Maior from
ye cheife of ye

Wheras the number of One hundreth Children whose names are hearafter
menc̃oned were the last Springe sent and transported to the Virginia Company
from the Cittie of London vnto Virginia And towards the charge and for
the transportac̃on and apparrellinge of the same One hundreth Children a
Collecc̃on of the some of ffive hundreth pounds was made of divers well &
godly disposed p̱sons [74] Charitably mynded towards the Plantac̃on in Vir-
ginia dwellinge wthin the Citty of London and Subvrbs theirof, and thervppon
the same ffive hundreth pounds was paid vnto the saide Company for the pur-


pose aforesaid, And thervppon for the good of the same Children and in
Considerac̃on of the premises, Itt is fully concluded ordered & decreed by and
Att a generall Quarter Courte this day houlden by ye Treasuror Councell and
Company of Virginia that every of the same Children wch are now liveing att
the charges and by the provision of ye said Virginia Company, shalbe educated
and brought vpp in some good Trade and profession wherby they may be
enabled to gett their liveinge and maynteyne themselvs when they shall attaine
their seuerall ages of ffower and twenty years or be outt of their Apprenti-
ships, which shall endure att the least seaven years if they soe longe live.
The Letter.

And further that every of the same Children (that is to say the Boys att their
Ages of one and twenty years or vpwards and the maydes or girles att their
Age of one and twenty years or day of marriage wch shall first happen,
shall have freely given and allotted vnto them ffiftie Acres of Land a
peec in Virginia aforesaid wthin the lymi[ts] of the English Plantac̃on the
said Acres to be apoynted according to the Statute De terris mesurandis,
in England and that in convenyent place or places to hold in ffee simple by
Socage tenure to every of them and their heirs for ever freely att the Rent of
xijd by ye yeare in full of all rents or other payment or service due vnto the
Lord therfore to be rendred or donne.

If the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Common Councell shall not be sattisfied
wth the Companies reasons (who desyre that some of themselvs may be ad-
mitted to alledge them) that itt is better for the fformer Children to have the
same Condic̃ons wth these latter the Company wilbe content to lett itt pass for
this time yett wth this protestac̃on; That as itt is not beneficiall to the Chil-
dren, so itt is the extreame wrong & preiudice of the wholl Plantac̃on.

And wheras allso itt is intended and fully resolved that this next Springe the
nomber of one hundreth Children more whose names are likewise herafter
menc̃oned, shalbe sent and Transported by ye said Virginia Company out of
the Cittie of London vnto Virginia aforesaid and that towards the Charge of
transportinge and apparrelling ye same Children the like Collecc̃on of ffive
hundreth pounds of men godly and Charitably disposed towards the said
Plantac̃on wch doe reside wthin the said Citty and Subvrbs therof is to be
made, and vppon the Collectinge therof the same shalbe paid to the said Vir-
ginia Compa: for the purpose aforesaid; Now therfor for the good of the
same Children, and in Considerac̃on of the p̢mises, Itt is fully concluded
Ordered, and decreed att a great and generall Quarter Courte this day
holden by the Treasuror, Counsell, and Company of Virginia that the
said hundred Children last menc̃oned shalbe sent att the [75] Virginia
Companies charge and duringe their Voyadge shall have their provision
of victuall sweet and good and well apparrelled and all other things neces-


sary for the Voyage: And that every of the same Children shalbe there
placed Apprentizes wth honest and good Maisters that is to say the boyes for
the tearme of seaven years or more; and so as their Apprentishipps may expire
att their seuerall Ages of one and twenty years or vpwards; And the mayds or
Girles for the tearme of seaven years or vntill they shall attayne their Ages of
one and twenty years or be marryed to be by the same Maisters during that
time educated and brought vpp in some good Craftes, Trades, or Husbandry
wherby they may be enabled to gett their liveinge & mayntennãce for them
selvs when they shall attaine their seuerall ages or be outt of their Appren-
tiships ∥and during their Apprentiships∥ shall have all things p̱vided for them
as shalbe fitt and requisite as meate, drinke, Apparrell, and other necessaries.
And further that att the expirac̃on of their seuerall Apprentishipps every of
ye said Children shall have freely given vnto them and provided for them at
the said Companies charge, provision of Corne for Victuallℯ for on wholl yeare
And shall allso have a house redy builded to dwell in, and be placed as a
Tennant in some convenyent place vppon so much land as they can mannage;
And shall have one Cowe and as much Corne as hee or shee will plant, and
forty shillings in monny to Apparrell them, or Apparrell to that value: And
shall allso have Convenyent weapons Munic̃on and Armor for defence, and
necessary implemts & vtensillℯ for houshold, and sufficient workinge Tooles
and Instrumentℯ for their Trades, labor and husbandry in such sort as other
Tenñtℯ are p̳vided for.

Moreover that every of the same Children last menc̃oned wch shall have thus
served their Apprentiships and be placed and provided for as aforesaid shalbe
Tyed to be Teñnts or ffarmers in manner & forme afore said for the space of
Seaven years after their Apprentiships ended, and duringe that time of their
labour and paines therein they shall have halfe of all the encrease profitt and
benefitt yt shall arise grow and encrease by the mannageinge therof aswell ye
fruites of the earth the increase of the Cattle as otherwise, And the other
moytie therof to goe and remayne to the Owners of the Land, in liew and sat-
tisfacc̃on of a Rent to be payd for the same Lande so by them to be occupied,
And that att the expirac̃on of the same last Seaven years every of the same
Children to be att liberty either to Continue Tenñtℯ or ffarmors to the Com-
pany vppõ the same Lands if they will att the same rates and in the manner
aforesaid or else provide for them selvs elsewhere.

And lastly that either of the same Children att the end of the last seaven years shall
have moreouer five and twenty Acres of Land to be given and allotted to them in
some Convenyent place or places wthin the English Plantac̃ons in Virginia afore-
said, to hould in fee Socage simple by Soccage tenure to every of them and their
[76] heirs, for ever freely for the Rent of Six pence for every five & twenty


Acres by way of quitt Rent in leiwe of all services in regard of the tenure;
All wch p̳mises wee the said Treasuror, Counsell, and Company doe order and
decree and faithfully promise shalbe iustly and truly p̱formed towards the said
Children accordinge to the true intent & meaning therof.

A L̃re from an vnknowne person was read dyrected to mr Treasuror
p̳misinge five hundred pounds for the educatinge and bringinge vpp
Infidellℯ Children in Christianytie wch Mr Treasuror not willinge to
meddle therwith alone desyred the Court to apoynt a select Comittee
for the mannadginge and imployinge of itt to the best to wch purpose
they have made choyse of the

Lord Pagett.  mr Tho: Gibbes. 
Sr Tho Wroth.  Dr Winstone. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Bamforde & 
mr Deputie.  mr Keightley. 
A L̃re from an Vn-
kowne p̱son prom-
ising 500li

The Coppy of wch Letter ensueth.

Sr yor Charitable endeavors for Virginia hath made you a ffather wee a favourer
of those good workℯ wch although heretofore hath com neer to their birth yett
for want of strength could never be delivered, (envy & division dashinge these
younglings even in the wombe) vntill yor helpfull hand wth other honorable
p̱sonages gave them both birth and beinge, for the better cherishinge of wch
good and pious worke seeinge many castinge guiftℯ into the Treasury, I ame
encourraged to tender my poore mite and although I cannott wth the Princes
of Issaker bringe gould and silver Coveringe yett offer here what I cann, some
Goatℯ hayre necessary stuffe for the Lords Tabernacle, protestinge heer in my
sinceritie wthout papisticall merritt or pharasaicall applause wishing from my
part as much vnitie in yor honorable vndertakinge as theris sinceritie in my
designes, to the furtherance of wch good worke, the Convertinge of Infidles
to the fayth of Christe I p̳mised by my good frends 500li for the mayntenance
of a Convenyent nomber of younge Indians taken att the age of Seaven years
or younger & instructed in the readinge and vnderstandinge the principalls of
Xian Religion vnto the Age of 12 years and then as occasion serveth to be
trayned and brought vpp in some lawfull Trade wth all humanitie and gentle-
ness vntill the Age of one and Twenty years, and then to enioye like liberties
and pryveledges wth our native English in that place and for the better p̱form-
ance therof you shall receave 50li more to be delivered into the hands to two
religious p̱sons wth securitie of payment who shall once every Quarter examine


and certifie to the Treasuror herein England the due execuc̃on of these prem-
ises together wth the names of these Children thus taken, their ffoster ffathers
and ouerseers [77] not doubtinge butt you are all assured that guiftes devoted
to Gods service cannott be diverted to pryvate and singuler §secular§ advan-
tages without sacriledge, if yor graver iudgments can devise a more charitable
course for such younge Children, I beseech you informe my frend wth yor
securitie for true p̱formance and my benevolence shalbe allwaies redy to be
delivered accordingly, the greatest Courtesie I expect or crave is to conceale
my frends name least importunytie vrge him to betray that trust of secresie
wch hee hath faythfully promised, hee that moved my harte to this good worke,
dyrect yor Charitable endeavours herein, whylest I rest as I ame
The Letter

Dust and Ashes
Directed To Sr Edwin Sandys ye faithfull Treasuror for Virginia.

Dr: Bohunes requests beinge read the Courte have intrusted the Audi-
tors to rectefye wch is agreed shall passe (beinge putt to the question)
by erecc̃on of hands.

Dr Bohunes re-
quest to passe.

The Petic̃on of Capt Powell and mr Iohn Smith beinge presented by
their brother Prouest Marshall of Middlesex to have graunt of the
Company 400 Acres of Land for fiftie pounds Adventure betwixt them
vizd, One hundreth lyinge in one p̱cell between the Sunken Marsh
one the other side the River against Iames Citty Land, and Choapooks
Creek, and one p̱cell of Marsh Land conteyninge 300 Acres called
Hogg Iland, The Court held itt inconvenyent to graunt Land in that
kinde, pickt out by the Planters themselvs not knowinge who all-
redie may lay clayme thervnto or otherwise how necessary itt may be
for the publique; Butt mr Treasuror in regard of the good affecc̃on
declared by their brother to the Companies service hath promised to
write to the Gouernor that the said 400 Acres shalbe well sett out for
them and to their Content wth reason.

To write to ye Gou-
ernor to sett out
400 Acres of Land
for Capt Powell &
mr Io: Smith

A petic̃on was exhibited, by ffrauncis Carter the Companies Officer
desyringe that forasmuch as hee hath worne himselfe outt in the
Companies service beinge nowe growne lame, that now in his olde age
they would please to take his Case and necessitie into favourable con-
siderac̃on etc̃, wch by reason itt grew late was referred vnto the Audi-
tors to p̢sent to the Courte their opinions touchinge the best means
to rewarde him.

Frauncis Carterℯ
Petic̃on referd to
ye Auditors.


Peter Arundles Petic̃on to have his Shares explayned to be double
Shares refered to the Auditors to vew his buisines how itt standℯ and
reporte itt to the Courte. [78]

Pe: Arundles Pe-
tic̃on referrd to ye

Captaine Bargraues request to have a Comission for ye determyninge
of some Controversies betweene him and Capt Martine resydent in
Virginia was allso referred vnto the Auditors.

Capt Bargraues re-
quest referrd to ye

The Charter party betweene the Owners of the London Marchant and
mr Treasuror and Deputy was now Sealled and delivered.

The Charter partie
for ye Lond: Mar-
chant sealled.


The word "wth" written over "of."