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800. Elementary Steam Engineering. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

A study of methods employed and elementary scientific principles involved
in the production of heat and power from the combustion of fuels.
Lectures, assigned reading, analysis and design of familiar apparatus, and
study of local heating and power installations. (Fall.)

801. Steam Power Plants. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The economic design and operation of steam power plants. The subject
is treated in lectures with assigned reading. Each student is expected to
produce during the term a design of a plant to satisfy assumed conditions.

802. Machine Design. [Hancock.]

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

A study of machines including the motion problem, the force problem,
selection of materials, determination of form and size of parts, lubrication,
sketches and specifications, working drawings. Assigned problems in design.

803. Internal Combustion Engines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of internal combustion engines, gas
producers, air compressors and motors and air refrigeration. Weekly exercises
and problems in design. (Winter.)

804. Steam Engines and Steam Turbines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the thermal problems of steam engines, steam turbines and


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vapor refrigerating machinery. Weekly exercises and problems in design.

805. Engine Design. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical problems involved in the design of machines
discussed in the two previous courses; inertia effects, stresses, strength of
parts, balancing, governing, etc. Weekly exercises and problems. (Spring.)

806. Kinematics of Machines. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of relative motions, volocities and accelerations in machine parts.
Assigned reading of recognized authorities and problems for solution on the
drawing board. (Winter.)

809. Automobile Construction. [Hancock.]

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the mechanical design of automobiles. Lectures and assigned
reading of recognized authorities. (Fall.)

855. Engine Design Laboratory. [Hancock.]

6 hours a week.

A drawing course in Engine Design devoted chiefly to valves, valve
gears and governors. (Spring.)

859. Automotive Laboratory. [Hancock and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

This course supplements 809, and is devoted to general overhauling and
testing. (Fall.)