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To—“Head of the church triumphant.”


Worship, and thanks, and blessing,
And strength ascribe to Jesus!
Jesus alone
Defends His own,
When earth and hell oppress us.
Jesus with joy we witness,
Almighty to deliver,
Our seal set to,
That God is true,
And reigns a King for ever.


Omnipotent Redeemer,
Our ransom'd souls adore Thee,
Our Saviour Thou,
We find it now,
And give Thee all the glory.


We sing Thine arm unshorten'd,
Brought through our sore temptation,
With heart and voice,
In Thee rejoice,
The God of our salvation.


Thine arm hath safely brought us
A way no more expected,
Than when Thy sheep
Pass'd through the deep,
By crystal walls protected.
Thy glory was our rereward,
Thine hand our lives did cover,
And we, even we
Have walk'd the sea,
And march'd triumphant over.


Thy works we now acknowledge,
Thy wondrous loving-kindness,
Which help'd Thine own,
By means unknown,
And smote our foes with blindness.
By Satan's host surrounded,
Thou didst with patience arm us,
But would'st not give
The Syrians leave,
Or Sodom's sons to harm us.


Safe as devoted Peter
Betwixt the soldiers sleeping,
Like sheep we lay
To wolves a prey,
Yet still in Jesu's keeping.


Thou from the' infernal Herod,
And Jewish expectation
Hast set us free:
All praise to Thee,
O God of our salvation!


The world and Satan's malice,
Thou, Jesus, hast confounded;
And by Thy grace,
With songs of praise
Our happy souls resounded.
Accepting our deliverance,
We triumph in Thy favour,
And for the love
Which now we prove,
Shall praise Thy name for ever.

[Hymn XXI


To—“Ye servants of God.”

will be found on a future page of this volume as a paraphrase of Isaiah xliv. 23.]