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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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Great Queene, J haue with paines and labour tooke
From out the greatest Booke this little Booke.
And with great Reuerence J haue cull'd from thence,
All things that are of greatest consequence
And though the Uolumne and the Worke bee small,
Yet it containes the summe of all in ALL.
To you J giue it, with a heart most feruent,
And rest your humble Subiect, and your Seruant.
Iohn Taylor.

To the Reader.

Heere Reader thou maist read for little cost,
How thou wast ransom'd, when thou quite wast lost.
Mans gracelesnesse, and Gods exceeding grace,
Thou here maist reade and see in little space.
Iohn Taylor.


Loe here the blessed Sonne of God and Man
(New borne) who was before all worlds began,
Of heau'nly seed th'eternall liuing Rocke
Of humane race, of Kingly Dauids stocke.
Our blest Redeemer, whom the Prophets old
In their true preachings had so oft foretold.
In figures, ceremonies, types and tropes,
He here fulfils their words, confirmes their hopes.
The worlds saluations sole and totall summe,
Poore Mankinds Sauiour, Iesvs Christ is come.
From married Mary, wife and Virgin, springs
This heauenly, earthly, supreame King of Kings.
He's naked borne, and in a manger layd,
Where he and's Mother (blessed wife and maid)
Are by the wise men sought, and seeking found,
And hauing found, their ioyes doe all abound.
Where they their loue, their zeale, their faith vnfold,
And offer incense, myrthe, and purest gold.
False-hearted Herod seeketh to destroy
This new borne Infant, our eternall joy.
But Joseph by a dreame is warn'd by night,
T'ward Ægypt with the Babe to take his flight.
Amongst th'Ægyptians he not long soiournes,
But backe to Naz'reth he againe returnes.
To end the Law, the Babe was circumcis'd,
And then by John in Iordane was baptiz'd.
When loe the Father from his glorious Throne,
Sends downe the Holy Ghost vpon his Sonne.
In likenesse of a pure vnspotted Doue,
Which did his Birth and Baptisme both approue.
Now subtill Sathan he attempts and tempts him,
And fasting, to the wildernesse exempts him.
But Iesus power the foule fiends power destroyd,
Commanding Sathan hence, Auoyd, Auoyd.
The fearefull Diuell doth flee, Christ goes and preaches,
And in the Mountaine multitudes he teaches.
He said, Repentance wipes away transgressings,
And to the godly he pronounced blessings.


Hee makes the lame to goe, the blind to see,
Deafe heare, dumbe speake, the leapers cleansed be.
The diuels from the possessed out he draue,
The dead are rais'd, the poore the Gospell haue.
Such things he doth, as none but God can doe,
And all's to bring his flock his fold vnto.
All that are laden come to me (quoth he)
And I will ease you, therefore come to me.
You of your heauy sinnes I doe acquite,
My yoake is easie and my burden's light
Vpon Mount Taber there our blest Messias,
Doth shew himselfe with Moses and Elias.
Yet all these mightie wonders than he wrought,
Nor all the heauenly teachings that he taught,
The stiffe neckd stubborne Iewes could not conuert,
But they ramaine obdurate, hard of heart.
The man (quoth some) by whom these things are done
It is the Carpenters, poore Iosephs Sonne.
Some said how he these things to passe did bring
By power of Belzebub th'infernall King.
Thus with the poyson of their ennious tongues,
They guerdon good with ill, and right with wrongs,
His owne not knowes him, Judas doth betray him,
To Annas and to Caiphas they conuey him.
From Caiphas backe to Annas, and from thence
Is sent this euerlasting happy Prince.
Thus is this death, this sin, this Sathan-killer,
Mongst sinnefull wretches tost from post to Piller.
He's flouted, spitted on, derided, stript,
He's most vnmercifully scourg'd, and whipt.
By Impious people, he's blasphem'd and rail'd,
And of the Iewes in (scorne) as King is hail'd.
He like a Lambe vnto his death is led,
Nail'd on the Crosse for man, his heart bloud shed,
He (after three dayes) glorious doth arise,
He leaues the sinnefull earth, and mounts the skyes.
But first to his Disciples he appeares,
Where he their drooping halfe dead Spirits cheares.


Saint Marke declares how blest baptizing Iohn,
Fore-runner was of Gods eternall Son.
Which John in Wildernesse baptizes, teaches,
And of contrition and remission preaches.
Our Sauiour calls no Pharisees or Scribes,
Or princely people out of Iudahs Tribes.
But Simon, Andrew, Iames and John are those,
Poore toyling Fishermen which Iesus chose,
To shew that with the humblest smallest things,
God greatest matters to perfection brings.
By sundry wondrous workes our Sauiour Iesus,
From sinne and Sathan lab'reth to release vs.
And in requitall the Ingratefull Iewes
Deuise their blest Redeemer to abuse.
Some inwardly doe hate him, some belye him,
His Seruants all forsake him, or deny him.
But Peter thou wast blest in thy deniall,
Of thy presuming thou hast found the tryall.
Repentance washt away thy frailties crimes,
And thou a patterne art to after times,
The Sonne and Heire of neuer fading Heau'n,
Into the hands of sinfull men is giuen.
He dyes, he's buried, and in glory rises,
Triumphing ouer all his foes deuises,

S. Luke.

Heere Mary and old Zacharias sings,
In ioyfull manner to the King of Kings.
And aged Simeon in his armes did take,
The Lord of life and doth reioycings make.
Christ teaches, preaches mercy vnto all,
That by amendment will for mercy call.
He's tane, and by false witnesses accus'd,
He's beaten, scoffed, scorned and abus'd.
He's hang'd vpon the Crosse betwixt two theeues,
The one doth rails on him, and one beleeues.
He dies, he's buried; rising he doth quell
And conquer all his foes, sin, death, and hell.

S. John.

In the beginning was th'eternall Word,
The Word with God was, and that Word the Lord.
In the beginning the same Word with God
Was, and for euer hath with him aboad,
With it were all things made, and made was nought
Without this Word, the which was made or wrought
Here Christs Diuinity is told by John,
The blessed Trinitie, one three, three one.
How God had now perform'd the oath he swore,
To Abram, and to Jsrael long before.
How Christ should come to ransome Adams losse,
And satisfie Gods Iustice on the crosse,
Though times and places farre a sunder be,
Yet Prophets and Euangelists agree.
In Iesus birth, his Doctrine, life and death,
Whereby our dying Soules gaine liuing breath.
If all things should be writ which erst was done,
By Iesus Christ, (Gods euerlasting Sonne)
From Cratch to Crosse, from Cradle to his tombe,
To hold the Bookes, the world would not be roome.


Th'Apostles praising God, and singing Songs,
The holy Ghost in fierie clouen tongues,
Descends vpon them, who are all inspir'd,
With learned languages adorn'd admir'd,
Saint Peter preaching, tels the people plaine,
How they the liuing Lord of life had slaine.
Some flout and mocke, remaining stubborne-hearted,
And many Soules peruerted are conuerted.
The Church increases, daily numbers comes,
And to the Gospels furth'ring giue great Summes.



False Ananias and his faithlesse wife,
In dreadfull manner lost their wretched life.
The enuious people stone the Martyr Steuen,
He praying for his foes, leaues earth for Heauen.
The Churches Arch-foe, persecuting Saul,
Is made a conuert, and a preaching Paul.
He's clapt in Prison, manacled and fetter'd,
And through his troubles, still his zeale is better'd.
Th'Apostle Iames, by Herod's put to death,
And Herod eat with Lice, lost hatefull breath.
Th'increasing Church amongst the Gentiles spreds,
By Nero, Paul, and Peter, lost their heads.


Th'Apostle Paul from Corinth writes to Rome,
To strength their faith, and tell them Christ is come.
He shewes how high and low, both Iew and Greeke
Are one with God, who faithfully him seeke.
He tels how sinne in mortall bodies lurkes,
How we are sau'd by faith, and by workes.
In louing tearmes, the people he doth moue,
To Faith, to Hope, to Charity, and Loue.

1. Corinths.

Paul to Corinthus from Philippy sends,
Their Zeale, and Faith he louingly commends.
He tels them if Gods seruice they regard,
Th'eternall Crowne of life is their reward.

2. Corinths.

In this Saint Paul sends the Corinthians word,
Afflictions are the blessings of the Lord.
He doth desire their Faith may still increase,
He wishes their prosperity and peace.


He tels them that their whole Saluations cause,
Is all in Christ, and not in Moses Lawes.
The Law's a glasse where men their sinnes doe see,
And that by Christ we onely saued be.


Paul bids cast off the old man with his vice,
And put on Christ, our blest redemptions price.


He bids them of false teachers to beware,
He tels them that Humilitie is rare:
And though they liue here in a vaile of strife,
Yet for them layd vp is the Crowne of life.


Th'Apostle doth reioyce, and praiseth God,
That these Colossians in true Faith abode.
He praiseth them he bids them watch and pray,
That sin and Sathan worke not their decay.

1. Thessalonians.

He thanketh God, his labour's not in vaine,
So stedfast in the faith these men remaine,
That they to others are a blessed light,
By their example how to liue vpright.

2. Thessalonians.

Againe to them, he louingly doth write:
He bids them pray the Gospell prosper might.
He wishes them prosperitie and wealth,
And in the end, Soules euerlasting health.

1. and 2. to Timothy.

Paul shewes to Timothy, a Byshop must,
In life and doctrine be sincere and iust.
And how the Scriptures power haue to perswade,
Whereby the man of God is perfect made.


To Titus ('mongst the Creetans) Paul doth send,
And warnes him what t'allow, or reprehend.


Paul earnestly the Master doth request,
To pardon his poore man that had transgrest.


Although this booke doth beare no Authors name,
It shewes the Iews how they their liues should frame
And that the Ceremoniall Law is ended
In Christ, in whom all grace is comprehended.

S. Iames.

Heare, speake, and doe well, the Apostle saith,
For by thy workes, a man may see thy faith.

1 and 2. to Peter.

He counsels vs, be sober, watch and pray,
And still be ready for the Iudgemen day.

1, 2. and 3. of Iohn.

He shewes Christ di'de, and from the graue arose,
To saue his friends, and to confound his foes.

S. Jude.

Iude bids them in all Godlinesse proceed,
And of deceiuing teachers to take heed.


Diuine S. Iohn to Pathmos Ile exilde,
This heauenly worke t'instruct vs he compild.
He tels the godly, God shall be their gaines,
He threats the godlesse with eternall paines.
He shewes how Antichrist should reigne and rage,
And how our Sauiour should his pride asswage.
How Christ in glory shall to Iudgement come,
And how all people must abide his doome.

A Prayer.

Good God Almighty, (in compassion tender,)
Preserue and keepe King Charles, thy Faiths defender,
Thy Glory, make his Honor still increase,
In Peace, in Warres, and in Eternall peace.