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To—“Sinners, rejoice, your peace is made.”

Infinite God, to Thee we raise
Our hearts in solemn songs of praise;
By all Thy works on earth adored,
We worship Thee, the common Lord,
The everlasting Father own,
And bow our souls before the throne.
Thee all the choir of angels sings,
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings!
Cherubs proclaim Thy praise aloud,
And seraphs shout the triune God,
And Holy, holy, holy, cry,
Thy glory fills both earth and sky!
God of the patriarchal race,
The ancient seers record Thy praise,
The goodly apostolic band
In highest joy and glory stand,
And all the saints and prophets join
To' extol the Majesty Divine.


Head of the martyrs' noble host,
Of Thee they justly make their boast;
The church to earth's remotest bounds,
Her heavenly Founder's praise resounds,
And strives with those around the throne
To hymn the mystic Three in One.
Father of endless majesty,
All might and love they render Thee,
Thy true and only Son adore,
The same in dignity and power,
And God the Holy Ghost declare,
The saints' eternal Comforter.
Messiah! Joy of every heart,
Thou, Thou the King of glory art!
The Father's everlasting Son!
Thee, Thee we most delight to own;
For all our hopes on Thee depend,
Whose glorious mercies never end.
Bent to redeem a sinful race,
Thou, Lord, with unexampled grace
Into our lower world didst come,
And stoop to a poor virgin's womb;
Whom all the heavens cannot contain,
Our God appear'd—a child of man!
When Thou hadst render'd up Thy breath,
And dying drawn the sting of death,
Thou didst from earth triumphant rise,
And ope the portals of the skies,
That all who trust in Thee alone
Might follow, and partake Thy throne.


Seated at God's right hand again,
Thou dost in all His glory reign,
Thou dost, Thy Father's image, shine
In all the attributes Divine;
And Thou in vengeance clad shalt come
To seal our everlasting doom.
Wherefore we now for mercy pray,
O Saviour, take our sins away!
Before Thou as our Judge appear
In dreadful majesty severe,
Appear our Advocate with God,
And save the purchase of Thy blood.
Hallow, and make Thy servants meet,
And with Thy saints in glory seat,
Sustain, and bless us by Thy sway,
And keep to that tremendous day,
When all Thy church shall chant above
The new eternal song of love.
Rejoicing now in glorious hope
That Thou at last wilt take us up,
With daily triumph we proclaim,
And bless, and magnify Thy name,
And wait Thy greatness to adore
When time and death shall be no more.
Till then with us vouchsafe to stay,
And keep us pure from sin to-day,
Thy great confirming grace bestow,
And guard us all our days below,
And ever mightily defend,
And save, O save us to the end!
Still let us, Lord, with love be blest,
Who on Thy guardian mercy rest;


The weakest soul that trusts in Thee,
Extend Thy mercy's arms to me,
And never let me lose Thy love,
Till I, even I, am crown'd above.