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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 16A-84. Peddlers—Generally.

Any person who shall carry from place to place, any goods,
wares or merchandise, and offer to sell or barter the same, or
actually sell or barter the same, shall be deemed a peddler, and
any person licensed as a peddler may sell, or he may exchange the
same for other articles.

A peddler's license shall not be transferable, and any person so
licensed shall endorse his name on the license, and such license
shall confer authority to sell within the city.

Any peddler who shall peddle for sale or sell or barter without a
license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof
shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, and not more than
one hundred dollars for each offense; and

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any person selling or offering to sell as a peddler shall exhibit his
license on demand of any citizen of this city; and upon his failure
or refusal to do so he shall be subject to the penalties for peddling
without a license.

All persons who do not keep a regular place of business
(whether it be a house or a vacant lot, or elsewhere), open at all
times in regular business hours and at the same place, who shall
offer for sale goods, wares and merchandise, shall be deemed
peddlers under this section. All persons who keep a regular place
of business, open at all times in regular hours and at the same
place, who shall elsewhere than at such place of business,
personally, or through their agent, offer for sale or sell, and at the
time of such offering for sale, deliver goods, wares and
merchandise, shall also be deemed peddlers as above, but this
section shall not apply to those who sell or offer for sale in person
or by their employees, ice, wood, meats, milk, butter, eggs,
poultry, fish, oysters, game, vegetables, fruit or other family
supplies of a perishable nature grown or produced by them and
not purchased by them for sale.

For the privilege of peddling or bartering in the city, there shall
be paid one hundred dollars for each person so engaged or
employed in the city, when he travels on foot, and when he
peddles otherwise than on foot, the tax shall be two hundred
dollars, except, that tax on peddlers of ice, wood, meat, milk,
butter, eggs, poultry, fish, oysters, game, vegetables, fruit or
other family supplies of a perishable nature not grown or
produced by them, shall be fifty dollars for each vehicle used in
such peddling in the city.

Every vehicle used in peddling as aforesaid shall have
conspicuously displayed thereon the name of the peddler using
the same, together with the street and number, city and state of
his residence.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to require of any
farmer a peddler's license for the privilege of selling or peddling
farm products, wood, or charcoal grown or produced by him.

Every license issued under this section shall expire on the
thirtieth day of April of each year. No license issued under this
section shall be prorated. (4-7-69, § 62.)