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Medulla Poetarum Romanorum

Or, the Most Beautiful and Instructive Passages of the Roman Poets. Being a Collection, (Disposed under proper Heads,) Of such Descriptions, Allusions, Comparisons, Characters, and Sentiments, as may best serve to shew the Religion, Learning, Politicks, Arts, Customs, Opinions, Manners, and Circumstances of the Antients. With Translations of the same in English Verse. By Mr. Henry Baker

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See Majesty.

Mean while a mournful supplicating Train
Of Trojan Matrons, to Minerva's Fane
In sad Procession with a Veil repair,
Beat their white Breasts, and rend their flowing Hair.
Unmov'd with Pray'rs, disdainfully she frown'd,
And fixt her Eyes, relentless, on the Ground,—

Pitt. Æn. Lib. I.

Mean while the Queen to Pallas' stately Dome
Amidst a num'rous Quire of Matrons, rode,


And Off'rings bore: Lavinia by her Side,
The Royal Virgin, Cause of all their Woe:
Her beauteous Eyes cast down, and bent on Earth.
The Matrons follow: and with Incense sweet
Perfume the Temple: and with mournful Sound
Thus from the stately Entrance breath their Pray'r.
Tritonian Virgin! Arbitress of War!
Break with thy Pow'r the Phrygian Pirate's Lance:
And Him lay prone extended on the Ground,
And roll his Trunk beneath the lofty Gates.—

Trap. Æn. Lib. XI.