University of Virginia Library


Psalme. LX.

The Argument.

Whyle Saule dyd raigne: all Iury mournde,
by Paynyms sore opprest:
In fayth to God: here Dauid tournd,
and conquerd them to rest.

Deus repulisti.


O God thou hast repeald vs long,
and scattred vs abrode:
Thy heauy wrath: fell vs among,
O turne and stay thy rod.


Euen thou that hast: sore shakt our land,
well nye to shiuers rent:
Heale thou the brekes: by thy good hand,
it realeth to ruine bent.


Most dreadfull sightes: and dolorous,
thou madest thy people spy:
Such wyne thou gauest: for drynke to vs,
which greued vs inwardly.


Yet hast thou geuen: thyne arke as signe,
to such as feare thy name:
To blanke theyr foes: that would repyne,
thy truth protesth the same.



Thy louers all: great daungers fled,
and rid from harmes full safe:
By thy right hand: let me be led,
and my requestes vouchsaue.


God spake the worde: in sanctuary,
which makth me glad to byde:
I Sychem will: part myne to lye,
and Succoth vale deuyde.



Myne Gilead: Manasses myne,
both twayne be myne intiere:
My strength of head: is Ephraim,
and Iuda legistere.


So Moab stout: shall bow hys head,
to serue as washepot aye:
On Edom land: my shoo shall tread,
ioy thou Philistea.


Than who shall lead: me strayt to flye,
into the citie strong:
Who me will bring: to Idomye,
to conquere them among.


Art thou not he: O God I say,
which thus hast cast vs out?
Whych dydst refuse: to lead the way,
to guide our armies stout?


O than be thou: our helpe at nede,
to ease our troubles yet:
For humayn helpe: is vayne to speede,
mans arme to weake is set.


No doubt by God: we shall achyue,
great acts we trust euen thus:
For he alone: our foes shall dryue,
to treade them down for vs.